This portal is dedicated to Vedic Astrology - Vedanga Jyotish, a science that is deep-rooted in Indian culture, tradition, and philosophy of life.

Comment Cleanup and Database Errors

By Kshitij Sharma, March 2, 2008

For all those running a WordPress blog, please note – do not mark any spam comment as “spam” while moderation. Just delete it. If you don’t, it will just sit there in the wp_comments table. The performance of your WordPress installation will go down as the size of this table increases.

Why am I ranting about WordPress installation and size of a table instead of writing a post on Astrology? This is because of spam comments, which I realize are almost 80% of all the comments that I receive. I had to undertake a massive cleanup exercise and while I have taken all precautions, I am afraid I might have deleted some genuine comments. If it was one of yours, I apologize.

In the past one week, how many of you have seen the following error message on the blog?

Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) WordPress Error Message

I believe that things should be fine now, but if they are not, please let me know by dropping a line.


  • Comment by S. ANAND on March 6, 2008 at 4:46 pm


    Problem persists. Especially while going to earlier pages. Plus it is erratic, sometimes it transitions pages easily and sometimes it doesn’t. Same message as the one in image.

  • Comment by S V Ramakrishnan on May 28, 2008 at 3:38 pm


    I keep coming back to your site for various notes, etc. because of its honesty, and clarity. Only I do not know if your services are available for consultation when there is a dire need to consult someone like you – either free or for fee.

    For instance, I urgently need to know from someone like you or some authoritative source that for a second marriage, is there a need to match the charts.
    I have my son who is 32, good looking, well employed, but lost his daughter and wife one after the other in a period of 6 months. The marriage lasted two and half years. He has 7th mars in Gemini, and I am sure the astro who matched the charts did a very poor job for a variety of reasons. Too late. But have to carry forward. Want to consult about mars dosha, matching need, marriage time, etc. and if he could get a girl – for her first or second marriage??

    Could you please help,, if not, any one else please!



  • Comment by panditrishikesh joshi on February 19, 2009 at 7:07 pm

    Welcome to Shastrogyan

    Move beyond the daily horoscope to uncover the complexities and intricacies of Astrology. Learn more about the technical and mathematical science of Astrology.

    No matter how long one has studied Astrology, they will always be students, always with more to learn and more to know. Grasping the basic vocabulary and concepts is a great place to begin your astrological studies.

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