This portal is dedicated to Vedic Astrology - Vedanga Jyotish, a science that is deep-rooted in Indian culture, tradition, and philosophy of life.

Vedic Astrology Horoscope for 2015

By Kshitij Sharma, November 25, 2014

The yearly horoscope for 2015 based on the Moon sign or janma rashi. Please do not substitute this for the Sun sign as per Western Astrology. The following are the long term transits of planets during 2015, which will affect various persons according to the janma rashi in their horoscope.

Other transits like that for Sun, Mars and other planets would have their effect on monthly basis. These effects will be periodically presented in the monthly horoscope section. Horoscopes on month to month basis will continue to be much more detailed than this article. Please be on the lookout for the same and keep coming back to this site. I believe in monthly horoscopes much more than yearly ones – because they work on micro levels and much more timely details can be presented there. The yearly horoscope can be presented as a month to month presentation but that defeats the purpose.

  • Rahu will remain in Virgo and Ketu would be in Pisces through the year 2015.
  • Saturn
    • Saturn will continue the year 2015 in Scorpio.
    • It will be retrograde from March 15th, 2015 to August 1, 2015.
    • This means that Sadhe sati will continue for Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius janma rashi individuals
  • Jupiter
    • Jupiter is in Cancer at the beginning of 2015.
    • From Cancer, it is providing its beneficial 5th house aspect to Saturn.
    • Jupiter becomes retrograde from 5th December 2014 onwards till 7th April 2014.
    • Jupiter would transit to Leo in July 2015 and at that time will come under a malefic 10th aspect of Saturn.

Aries – Moon in Mesha Rashi in Janma Kundali

Planetary transits indicate that 2015 will an average year to start with in the first half and will progressively turn out better.

Aries rashi persons face adverse transit of Jupiter till July. There will be health problems to mother till April and then mother’s health will improve. Overall, during the whole year, you should keep taking care of her. This is a year of unexpected news from many quarters.

Ensure that you work hard to clear your debts. Overall, your confidence will improve during this period and through hard work, you will be able to command respect at the place of work. Ambiguities and uncertainty at place of work continues.

As per astrology, 2015 should be a good year for Aries rashi persons for financial aspects. Investment in real estate will be turn out to be good. You should keep away from speculation/gambling, i.e. any investment where this is lack of complete information and hence higher risk. Rash decisions without lack of information will go against you.

While this is a stressful transit, Saturn’s 8th house transit usually brings in financial windfall of some kind, in form of inheritance. At the same time, wasteful expenditure rises. When Jupiter moves to Leo in mid July 2015, it will be a good transit for Aries rashi individuals. Saturn’s 10th house aspect on Jupiter will limit its ability to do much good, but Jupiter will still do its job.

Taurus – Moon in Vrishaba Rashi in Janma Kundali

As per the astrological indicators and transits, 2015 will be an average to below average year on a whole, but monthly transits will be better. Jupiter’s transit in Cancer will continue to bother you till April. Post July, health problems to mother should be sorted out.

Married life will be stressful and if you do not communicate well with your mate/spouse, there are chances of disagreements on all issues. There will be love/gain through children and they will bring pride to you. Post April, till July, it will be a good time to get married. The relationship with near relatives, siblings will be strained. This is also a period of time when you are confused and unable to make a decision. <Remedies of Rahu> should be followed in order to get rid of this indecision.

Travel to foreign countries will be beneficial.

At work front, you will gains through your creative abilities. There are good chances of promotion during this period. While cash flow will be erratic, overall financial situation will be good. Income from agriculture and sale of land/real estate property is indicated. However, be very careful with investment in real estate and do not treat it like gambling. All paperwork for property related transactions should be pakka. All i’s should be dotted and t’s should be crossed. Similarly, those in partnerships should be careful with their partners.

Gemini – Moon in Mithuna Rashi in Janma Kundali

The first half of 2015 is very good for you with both major planets in astrology Saturn and Jupiter supporting you and providing you with mental strength and satisfaction. The second half when Jupiter moves to Leo will be average. The family atmosphere will be good in the first half, where you will get good food, good comforts of home and will be able to spend on material possessions for yourself.

Overall health would be good except for some stomach problems and abdominal disorders. You need to take special care of your mother.

The first half is a period of promotion and expansion of your responsibilities. It will work out well, but you may still remain unsatisfied as it may not work out to be as per your liking. A sincere request and suggestion is to set the right expectations. You will start feeling a little desperate and attention seeking at work post July. You may feel that opportunities are being delayed, but you should look at people around you and feel satisfied. You would still be doing better than others. Wealth can be lost if not taken care of and invested properly. You have been trying to get a second source of income and should be materializing now.

Cancer – Moon in Karka Rashi in Janma Kundali

For Cancer rashi persons, the first half of 2015 would be unfavourable. The second half of the year will be favourable and you will be able to achieve much. You will spend a lot of time and money on education of your children. You will also spend too much focus on yourself, neglecting family and relatives. This should completely be avoided and you should strive to strike a balance between yourself and family

You will maintain good health during the year, except for life style diseases. You will continue to stressed at work and be bothered due to restlessness and anxiety that comes with it. Meditation will help you a lot.

You may also suffer from overconfidence at place of work and will have to watch out for too much self-promotion. Arrogance should be avoided. Expenditure will continue to be high and will go up especially post July.

Students will find success in education through hard work.

Leo – Moon in Simha Rashi in Janma Kundali

2015 horoscope shows that it is a tough year throughout for Leo rashi persons, but monthly transits will help and support you. There is a tremendous need to focus the efforts on your friends & family this year as the tendency will be to neglect them. Maintaining work/life balance is of utmost important. Calm and composed attitude will help you solve domestic problems with the family and your mother too.

There will be lot of short travel involved away from the place of residence. These journeys will not be very fruitful though. You may start to regard them as a nuisance.

Shani transit could give you health problems and worries. Also, be careful till 2nd week of April where some existing disease and/or health condition could become worse.

Financially and professionally this is a good year for both you and your spouse. This is not a good time at work as office politics will work overtime against you. Resolve issues at work carefully.

Expenditure will remain high throughout the year and you will need to pay attention to the outflow.

Virgo – Moon in Kanya Rashi in Janma Kundali

Horoscope of 2015 through positions of planets in the year indicate a good time for Kanya rashi persons. Your sadhe sati is over and you will be feeling its affect as there is a promise of new job and career. Favourable transits in 1st half will help you take care of your career, family & other environment. First half is a good period for you. Second half of 2015 will still be better compared to other rashi folks, but in your mind it will be a little tough. You will feel that you were going at full speed, but there is suddenly a road block created by someone – a senior family member, authorities or superiors at work. At this time, Jupiter is in a Vedha position for Saturn and hence the prediction.

Short journeys will be plenty and rewarding. Plan them well in advance and you will be able to achieve much out of them.

Virgo rashi persons should constantly be on watch for ear problems and related ENT disorders. You could be also be diagnosed with and go for treatment for some long term diseases.

The overall cash flow during the year will continue to be good. Financial condition will improve – hike and raises at work will materialize for professionals. Students appearing in exams should do well till April, but not as well as they themselves expect. Hence there will be a need to put in more hard work than usual.

Libra – Moon in Tula Rashi in Janma Kundali

The first half of the year 2015 is average for Libra rashi persons. The second half would be better.

Last part of Sadhe sati is in progress, which will ask for you to be little more spiritual. You taking a higher moral ground than others will be much beneficial. Otherwise, you stand to alienate your friends and relatives and lose some important support. This is the toughest part of sadhe sati, but if you divert your energies towards spirituality and self-awareness, then there is nothing like it. An enlightened Saturn is the best guru of them all.

Libra rashi persons need to pay good attention to their vitals. Take that important yearly health check as soon as possible and work on the findings with the help of your doctor. There is a propensity for eye problems and infection this year. You could also get into accidents and hurt yourself in the lower leg and feet area.

2015 is a time to reorganize finances and ensure that you know exactly what you earn and what/where you spend. Once this is done and financial discipline is maintained, all astrological indicators predict that the year will turn out to be good financially.

Scorpio – Moon in Vrischik Rashi in Janma Kundali

For the Scorpio rashi persons, the first half of 2015 will be great. At the same time, the second half will be average to tough. Sadhe sati is in progress and moved into the second of third part. Overall responsibilities at the family level will increase and so will the expectations from everyone around you. In this period, new projects should be started carefully. Even then, they could not materialize as per your expectations. Temper your own expectations and ensure that you meet the expectations from your family.

This is a period of gains from father/guru and figures of authority. There will be good amount of support from family if you ask for it with an open mind.

The first half of the year is good for Scorpio born persons. They should be careful in the 2nd half and especially take care of diseases of lungs.

Scorpio rashi people will continue to gain from travel to foreign countries.

Wealth and prosperity will come with hard work and perseverance. Students will do well in examination but hard work will be required. During this year, financial situation can go out of hand if enough attention is not paid to it. As per the transits, Scorpio borns should not take risks with investment. There are also astrological indications that multiple sources of income apart from the usual main source of job/business will materialize.

Sagittarius – Moon in Dhanu Rashi in Janma Kundali

The first half of 2015 will be tough as per the astrological indicators. The second half would be better.

Sadhe sati has started for Dhanu rashi persons and they are confused about their relationships and are feeling let down. First and foremost is that Dhanu rashi borns need to relax a bit. Then they need to take a step back and give their family a chance. The next step would be to slowly and gradually work on cleanup of relationships. All misunderstandings can be sorted out be diligence, dialog and communication.

2nd half of the 2015 as per the year’s transits of major planets should bring out good and extensive travels for you. They will be rewarding and fulfilling.

Astrological factors indicate good health through the year for Sagittarius borns, except contracting stomach problems and diseases of abdomen.

You should not allow debts to pile up. Lossed through gambling and speculation are indicated. 2nd half of year is good for students and similarly, for professionals, this year should bring in learning, skill development and subsequently higher status at work. Out of ordinary success can be expected, but only after hard work.

Capricorn – Moon in Makar Rashi in Janma Kundali

Transits of major planets indicate that 2015 will be a great year throughout, but the 1st half will be better than 2nd half. Capricorn borns can definitely expect to spend good time with the family and take up vacation as well as go on pilgrimage during 1st half if the year. Good amount of support can be expected from friends/relatives.

There should be focus on father’s health and health of other family members too. During 2nd half 2015, there are some chances of accident.

At work, there will be some anxiety and mental worries that will affect your health. Still, they could be unfounded as overall astrological factors indicate professional advancement. Therefore a sincere suggestion would be to get you a yoga guru and start meditating. This will work wonders for you.

Makar rashi persons are likely to run into trouble with authorities and get into litigation. Gain of property through inheritance is also indicated.

Aquarius – Moon in Kumbh Rashi in Janma Kundali

Vedic astrology factors indicate that the first half of 2015 will be average for Kumbha rashi persons. At the same time, the 2nd half will progressively become better.

1st half of 2015 will contribute to personal growth. At this time it will be important for your to not isolate yourself from others and take their support – not doing so can get you into misunderstanding with spouse and other close relationships due to lack of communication.

It is important for you to get yourself checked for health problems. A lot of effort should be put effort in improving your health. For example, joining Yoga classes and taking gym sessions will be very helpful.

Due to adverse astrological factors, Kumba rashi persons should be frugal about financial matters. At the same time, care should be taken for litigation and not get into unnecessary legal troubles. There are chances of new opportunities in job/career. Opportunities will also come by for earnings other than regular source of income. These opportunities should not be missed. At the same time, care should be taken to not be overoptimistic and not chew more than one can bite.

Pisces – Moon in Meena Rashi in Janma Kundali

As per the transit of major planets, i.e. Saturn, Jupiter & Rahu/Ketu, the first half of 2015 will be good for Meena rashi, while the second half would be average.

Pride is indicated from children in first half. They will make your proud with their actions, by doing well in exams etc.. There will be happiness from children in the family. At the same time, communication with other members of family and spouse is very much required as this is a time where misunderstanding can happen within the family.

During the year 2015, astrological factors dictate that you focus on and take care of health of father. For you, there will be a tendency to contract skin diseases.

A change in job profile/profession is indicated. You may take up a new job with a pay cut, as there could be overall decrease in income, with the cash flow becoming erratic. There will be new opportunities knocking your doors. Please do not overlook at them.

At the place of work, office politics is at play and you could suffer from faults committed by others. Those in business could suffer on account of their subordinates.


  • Comment by Seema on May 4, 2015 at 12:25 pm

    Really, nice once. Found very genuine and 90% correct prediction. Thanx a lot.

  • Comment by archana prasad on July 29, 2015 at 12:01 am

    Meri divorce ho chuki hai.second married kab take hogi? Air meri government job lagegi ya private air kab tak air mera khud Ka home hoga ki nhi ?please mujhe bataiyea mai bahut taklf me hu.

  • Comment by vashikaran mantra on August 1, 2015 at 10:55 am

    The information you have give is very good and true according to astrology.
    I always like to study your blog because you write it in a very simple way.

  • Comment by Paromita on August 14, 2015 at 1:03 am

    I am separated nw and will get divorced. Currently i am into a relationship with a younger guy than me. Please check and advise ki meri second shaadi isiise hogi ya nahi?

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