This portal is dedicated to Vedic Astrology - Vedanga Jyotish, a science that is deep-rooted in Indian culture, tradition, and philosophy of life.

Monthly Predictions February 2019

By Kshitij Sharma, January 27, 2019

The monthly horoscope for February 2019 is presented for you based on the moon sign, i.e. janma rashi in your horoscope, based on the Vedic niryana system. Please do not substitute your Sun sign or a western astrology moon sign here. If you do not know your janma rashi, please refer to the kundali application on this page. 8th house presence for Chandra is called Chandrashtama and is a period of grave caution. These dates are indicated. The dates for caution on the financial matter are also indicated. People with a particular janma rashi should avoid dealing in financial matters on these dates, e.g. investment of property, the stock market, giving and taking loans should be avoided. The planetary positions for the month of February 2019 are as follows:


  • Sun is in Capricorn at the beginning of the month and then moves to Aquarius on 13th February.
  • Ketu and Sun will be conjunct in Capricorn.
  • Mercury will be close to Sun in Capricorn and then during the stay in Aquarius.
  • In Aquarius, Saturn will have 3rd house aspect on Sun.


  • Mars will be in Pisces during the 1st week of the month and then moves to swakshetra Aries on 6th February.
  • Rahu will have 9th house aspect on Mars during Pisces transi
  • Jupiter will have close 5th house aspect on Mars during Pisces transit.
  • Mars is free of any aspects during Aries transit.


  • Mercury crosses Aquarius with great speed from 7th February to 24th February.
  • Mercury enters Pisces on 25th Feb, which is the debilitation sign for Pisces.
  • Mercury will be conjunct Sun during Aquarius transit. It will have close 3rd house aspect of Sun.
  • During Pisces transit, Mercury will have aspect of both Jupiter and Rahu. Jupiter’s aspect will provide neechabhang.


  • Jupiter is moving through Scorpio and is gradually reaching the Gandanta degrees in Scorpio.
  • The speed is also reducing as Jupiter will be become retrograde in a month’s time.
  • Rahu and Jupiter are in mutual 5/9 drishti during this time.
  • Mars will have 8th house drishti on Jupiter from 6th Feb till the end of the month.


  • Venus is in Sagittarius at the beginning of the month.
  • Venus will cross over to Capricorn on 25th February.
  • Venus is conjunct Saturn during Sagittarius transit.
  • Ketu conjunction will start when Venus moves to Capricorn.


  • Saturn is transiting through Sagittarius.
  • Saturn will be combust from February 15th to Jan 20th.


  • Rahu/Ketu continue their transit through the Cancer/Capricorn axis.
  • Jupiter and Rahu have mutual drishti.
  • Mars will have 4th house drishti on Rahu from 6th February onwards.

Horoscope for February 2019 for Moon sign Aries : Mesha Janma Rashi

Uttarayan Sun moves through the 10th and the 11th house, both of which are auspicious. Saturn is going through an inauspicious 9th house transit. Mars is going through a manglik 12th house transit and will quickly move to your rashi house, which is swakshetra for Mars. Jupiter’s transit through the 8th house is not favourable. Rahu is going through a 4th house transit. Ketu is going through an unfavourable 10th house transit. Venus will continue to go through a favourable 9th, but there is a vedha of Mercury for the 2nd and the 3rd week and vedha of Sun in the second part of the month. Mercury is transiting through three houses in quick succession. The middle part of the month will have the auspicious 11th house transit. It will be an above average month.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: There will be gains through family and coworkers. Manglik transit will cause you to be rash and arrogant, which can be a problem with near and dear ones and especially your spouse. Still, it will be a good month to connect with people and to make new friends. Entertainment, rest and recreation will be the focus area.

Travel: There are no major indications for travel during the month. Distant short duration travel will be good. Study tours will also be helpful.

Health: While overall health will be good and freedom from diseases is indicated, you should still be careful with infections and accidents during the month.

Finance, Business & Job: Hard work will pay off, even if you feel dejected. You should not feel otherwise, because throughout the month there will be some help or the other available. A gain of money through help from high officials is indicated. Working in a group will be beneficial for you as your leadership will grow and people will come to know about your capabilities.

Chandrashtama days:Feb-25, Feb-26, Feb-27

Days of caution on financial matters: Feb-08, Feb-09, Feb-10, Feb-13, Feb-14

Horoscope for February 2019 for Moon sign Taurus : Vrishabha Janma Rashi

Sun goes through an inauspicious 9th house, followed by an auspicious 10th house transit. Jupiter is now going through an auspicious 7th house transit. Saturn is going through an inauspicious 8th house transit. Mars is going through an adverse and mangilk 12th house transit. Mercury moves through the 10th house transit during the middle of the month, which is auspicious, but Jupiter causes vedha. Rahu and Ketu are moving through the 3rd auspicious (with a vedha of Mars) and 9th inauspicious houses respectively in the janma rashi chart. The transit of Lagna lord Venus through the 8th house is favourable.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: Ego problems with the spouse and his/her side of the family is indicated throughout the month. There can be some blast from the past that can come and bother you. Relationship with your father will be strained during the first part of the month, or there will be health problems for him.

Travel: Long distance travel will be more of just wandering around.

Health: You will be susceptible to mental stress and worries. Eye troubles and insomnia is also indicated. Be careful with digestive system issues.

Finance, Business & Job: The first part of the month is not great for launching new projects and taking up more responsibility at the place of work or in business. The second part of the month will progressively become better. You may not be able to get full credit for your tasks and accomplishments, which will be hurtful. The second and third week of the month will be good for talking to your superiors about promotion in the job or to work on new plans for business expansion if you run your own enterprise. During the same period, students will do well in their studies, especially those who have taken mathematics stream in high school and college.

Chandrashtama days: Feb-01, Feb-02, Feb-28

Days of caution on financial matters: Feb-11, Feb-12, Feb-15, Feb-16

Horoscope for February 2019 for Moon sign Gemini : Mithuna Janma Rashi

Sun will be going through two unfavourable transits – 8th followed by 9th house transits. Mars is transiting through a favourable 11th house transit. Saturn’s transit is through an adverse 7th house transit, which is a difficult one called adhayia shani. Mercury is going through an unfavourable 9th house transit. The 7th house transit of Venus is unfavourable. Both of Rahu’s and Ketu’s transits are unfavourable. Jupiter’s transit through the 6th house is unfavourable. With just one transit being favourable, this will be a tough month.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: Unnecessary arguments and strife is indicated in the domestic environment. These can cause setbacks in relationships. Mars’ effect shows some promise, and can indicate birth in the family and will help the couple who are trying for babies.

Travel: The period of the second and third week will be a good time to travel and meet people. There can be trouble during journeys, and you should plan for unknowns.

Health: Fear of unknown situations and anxiety can cause stress and related ailments, e.g., high BP, palpitation, etc. You will get tired easily as your capacity to work hard will go down.

Finance, Business & Job: Peers at the place of work will be helpful, while superiors may not be sympathetic to your situations and problems. The may choose to magnify small mistakes committed by you and create confidence problems. Finances in partnerships can become a sore point. Do not take a shot at a task alone. Take advantage of the fact that at least peers are being helpful.

Real estate will help as a source of income. Acquisition of landed property is also indicated. Do not loan money to others as recovery can be a problem.

Chandrashtama days: Feb-03, Feb-04, Feb-05

Days of caution on financial matters: Feb-13, Feb-14, Feb-17, Feb-18

Horoscope for February 2019 for Moon sign Cancer : Karka Jamna Rashi

Sun is going through an inauspicious 7th followed by another inauspicious 8th house in transit. Mars moves through an adverse 10th house. Venus would go through an inauspicious 6th house. Mercury is going through a favourable 8th house transit in the middle two weeks, otherwise, the other transits are inauspicious. Saturn is moving through a favourable 6th house and unlike in the past, this is vedha free transit. Rahu/Ketu axis is going through 1st and 7th houses. There is no vedha for the auspicious 5th house transit of Jupiter. This will be a better month than before.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: While the overall baseline for relationships is high, there can be disagreement with the spouse. If you have kids, then the situation will be managed well as kids can be the link between couples and bring happiness. This will not be the best time for romance.

Travel: There are indications of long-distance travel. These may be tiring and will cause fatigue.

Health: The first half of the month indicates that you will be susceptible to stomach diseases, indigestion, etc. Enthusiasm will be low. Illness to spouse is indicated throughout the month. The second part of the month brings unease, high BP and eye illnesses.

Finance, Business & Job: During the first part of the month, you need to be careful with partners and legal issues in businesses. Lowering of reputation and honour is indicated. The middle part of the month will be good for the reconciliation of existing problems. During the second part of the month, higher authorities will not be very helpful. You need to be good at marketing yourself and yet not be reckless about it. Aggression can result in failure, especially because of opposition at the place of work by peers.

Chandrashtama days: Feb-06, Feb-07

Days of caution on financial matters: Feb-15, Feb-16, Feb-19, Feb-20

Horoscope for February 2019 for Moon sign Leo : Simha Janma Rashi

Jupiter’s unfavourable 4th house transit is in progress. Sun is going through an auspicious 6th house followed by an inauspicious 7th house. Mars is moving through an adverse 9th house transit. Venus is moving through an auspicious 5th house, but there is Veda of Mars. Mercury moves through an adverse 7th house. Saturn’s 5th house transit is unfavourable. Rahu/Ketu are in 12/6 axis, which indicates unfavourable and favourable transits respectively. Mars causes vedha to Ketu’s transit.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: Vedhas cause disruption in an otherwise good month for relationships. If you are not aggressive and rash with your speech, you can still do well. Take care of people who provide service to you. The first half of the month is good for the conception of a child if there are couple trying for a kid. Communication with family members and spouse will need to be maintained throughout the month. The second half of the month indicates unnecessary arguments with the partner.

Travel: Travel to far away destinations will bring luck. Travels in the second part of the month may cause fatigue.

Health: The first half of the month will be relatively stress-free for you. The middle 2 weeks can indicate physical distress, skin problems, etc. Throughout the month, be careful with muscular cramps. You will be susceptible to stomach problems, intestine problems in the second part of the month.

Finance, Business & Job: The first part of the month will be better at the place of work. Throughout the month, disagreements with authorities, mentors and legal problems due to them are indicated. The second part of the month is not good for partnerships. There will be impediments in business. If you are in a job, new projects will not take off.

Chandrashtama days: Feb-08, Feb-09, Feb-10

Days of caution on financial matters: Feb-17, Feb-18, Feb-21, Feb-22

Horoscope for February 2019 for Moon sign Virgo : Kanya Janma Rashi

For Virgo rashi borns, Saturn’s transit through 4th is adverse. Mars is transiting through an unfavourable 8th house manglik house. Jupiter is going through an inauspicious 3rd house transit. Sun’s transit houses are an inauspicious 5th house, followed by an auspicious 6th. Rashi lord Mercury will be going through the 6th house auspicious transit during the middle of the month. Venus is going through an auspicious 4th house transit. Rahu/Ketu axis is going through 11/5 transit and Rahu’s 11th house transit is auspicious and there is no vedha of any planet. There are no obstacles in form of vedhas during the month and the second part of the month will be better than the first.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: The first part of the month will not be good to spend time with family and friends. The second part of the month will be better. Happiness is indicated and you will be able to spend a comfortable time at home. Manglik transit still indicates that avenues of disagreement with spouse and spouse’s side of the family will still be open. Do not get into ownership issues of various items with your wife.

Travel: It will be a good time to take a vacation with your family. Pleasure trips are indicated.

Health: The second half of the month is better for health than the first part of the month. You should still be susceptible to fever, accidents and stomach problems.

Finance, Business & Job: Do not be dominating during the month in all the situations at the place of work. It will strain relationships with superiors and will unnecessary create competitors from good peers. The second part of the month is better for launching projects. Enemies will be subdued during the second part of the month and it will be a better times to settle loan requests and debt.

During the entire month, keep away from gambling.

Gains from agriculture are indicated.

Chandrashtama days: Feb-11, Feb-12

Days of caution on financial matters: Feb-19, Feb-20, Feb-23, Feb-24

Horoscope for February 2019 for Moon sign Libra : Tula Janma Rashi

Sun is going through inauspicious 4th and 5th houses in transit. Saturn is going through an auspicious 3rd house transit. Jupiter is going through an auspicious 2nd house transit. Rashi lord Venus is going through an auspicious 3rd house transit. Mercury is going through an inauspicious 5th house transit. Mars is going through the 7th house manglik transit. Rahu is going through an unfavourable 10th house transit, while Ketu through an adverse 4th house transit.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: The baseline of transits remain better for you. Unfavourable transits will reduce the effect a little and will create compatibility problems with partners in the first half and with kids in the second half. You will not be cooperative with people and will create an unhealthy atmosphere yourself. You can be creative in throwing parties though – if you were to look at your original style of working. This can help in improving love and harmony within relations.

Travel: There are indications of theft and accidents during travels. Plan ahead and be ready for contingencies.

Health: Ill-health is indicated for the entire family. Be careful with accidents. Drinking should be avoided. High BP and stomach acidity problems are indicated. The mind will be agitated.

Finance, Business & Job: Losses and expenditure are indicated throughout the month. You can be a victim of fraud as well. At the place of work, be careful with your reputation – adversaries and coworkers can create an atmosphere around you where you can lose your cool.

Chandrashtama days: Feb-13, Feb-14

Days of caution on financial matters: Feb-21, Feb-22, Feb-25, Feb-26, Feb-27

Horoscope for February 2019 for Moon sign Scorpio : Vrishchika Jamna Rashi

Saturn’s transit through 2nd from your janma rashi is the last part of sadhe sati going on for you. Jupiter’s 1st house transit is adverse. Rashi lord Mars is going through a favourable 6th house transit. Mercury is going through an auspicious 4th house transit. Venus is going through a favourable 2nd house transit. Sun will move through a favourable 3rd house followed by an unfavourable 4th house transit. Rahu/Ketu are going through the 9th and the 3rd houses respectively.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: The month will be better than average for you. Major transits are unfavourable, but the monthly transits are favourable and vedha free. This indicates favourable time with family and friends. The second part of the month indicates stressful time with extended family. There will be unnecessary arguments with everyone around.

Travel: Short travels will be good in the 1st part of the month.

Health: Good health is indicated in the first part of the month. Fever and body pain are indicated in the second part of the month. Wife and mother may also suffer.

Finance, Business & Job: Real estate and property transactions can cause stress in finances. It will not be a good time to take loans and get into huge debt. Otherwise, the month is advantageous for a gain of wealth, especially in the first half. The middle part of the month with favourable Mercury transit is good for a improvement in honour. It will also be great for students appearing for competitive exams.

Chandrashtama days: Feb-15, Feb-16

Days of caution on financial matters: Feb-01, Feb-02, Feb-23, Feb-24, Feb-28

Horoscope for February 2019 for Moon sign Sagittarius : Dhanu Janma Rashi

Saturn’s transit through Sagittarius indicates that Sagittarians are going through the 1st house sadhe sati. The Jupiter 12th house transit is adverse. Sun is going through an unfavourable 2nd house and later an auspicious 3rd house transit. Mars is transiting through the 5th house. Mercury will be moving through an inauspicious 3rd house. Venus moves through a favourable 1st house. Rahu/Ketu transit is operating from 8/2 axis. The second half of the month will be adverse.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: Disputes will occur between you and others outside of the family circle. These could be petty quarrels. You are advised to evade contest and make peace with others if you think some peace of mind is required. The second half of the month will be a little better for more comfortable family life. Develop relations and contact with neighbours and relatives. They will help you out. Sadhe sati will keep making you work hard towards the family.

Travel: Short travels will be great, especially in the second half.

Health: Physiological health will be good in the second half. Transits in the first half make you susceptible towards eye, throat and mouth trouble. Stress at work can cause health problems.

Finance, Business & Job: Any investment in unknown areas must be made with utmost care. This is true of real estate investment, the stock market, etc. Be careful with both taking and giving loans to others, as you may be deceived. The middle part of the month should be more about planning and information collection rather than execution.

Chandrashtama days: Feb-17, Feb-18

Days of caution on financial matters: Feb-03, Feb-04, Feb-05, Feb-25, Feb-26, Feb-27

Horoscope for February 2019 for Moon sign Capricorn : Makara Janma Rashi

Saturn is going through the 12th house and sadhe sati is in its first phase. Jupiter is transiting through the 11th house auspicious transit, which has been helping to balance the sadhe sati. Sun’s transits through the 1st and the second houses are both inauspicious. Mars is transiting through the manglik 4th house. Venus is transiting through a favourable 12th house. Mercury is transiting through a favourable 2nd house during the middle of the month. Rahu/Ketu axis operates through 7/1 axis.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: Disputes with others are indicated mainly due to your hotheadedness. Neglecting the viewpoint of others seems to be the root cause of the problem. If you are able to take care of this trait and be diplomatic, reliable friends can indeed be made during the middle of the month. It will not be easy since sadhe sati makes you withdrawn from relationships.

Travel: Travels may not be fruitful in the first half. There are no major indications in the second half.

Health: Health problems will mainly be due to fatigue. Do not ignore any heart and chest problems in the first half of the month. Eye trouble and throat/mouth illnesses are also indicated.

Finance, Business & Job: There will be opposition at the place of work. Loss of wealth is indicated due to expenses and bad loans. Property disputes and problems in the real estate area can be avoided with due diligence. Due diligence will also help in successful negotiations regarding business and projects. Influential friends can help in job and earning power progression.

Chandrashtama days: Feb-19, Feb-20

Days of caution on financial matters: Feb-01, Feb-02, Feb-06, Feb-07, Feb-28

Horoscope for February 2019 for Moon sign Aquarius : Kumbha Janma Rashi

An otherwise good month will be marred by obstacles. Sun is going through two inauspicious 12th & 1st houses. Jupiter is going through inauspicious 10th house transit. Rahu/Ketu transit is going through the 6/12 axis. Saturn moves through very auspicious 11th house transit. Mercury goes through an inauspicious 1st house. Mars is transiting through 3rd house auspicious transit, but there is a vedha of Sun in the first half, but not in the second half. Venus goes through an auspicious 11th house transit.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: There are no obstacles in form of vedhas during the month, which means that you would be able to work smoothly. You will be able to work with family, but not with relatives, neighbours, coworkers, etc., who will be neglected. Disputes with friends can be caused due to misunderstandings. Investment in relationships will help you in long term. Love relationships developed during the month have the potential to become long-lasting.

Travel: There are indications of foreign travel. Still, do not travel if you can avoid it. Balance unnecessary travel. Short term travels with respect to learning something new will be good.

Health: Fatigue and general discomfort is indicated through the month. Nervousness and anxiety can lead to unsteady mind. Be careful with eye, stomach and skin diseases.

Finance, Business & Job: Expenses will lead to the breaking of fix deposits. You yourself can indulge in mean acts against others in the first half of the month. Transits during the month indicate that although money will come in through real estate and immovable property, you may get into property disputes with others. Do not change your stance too many times during the middle part of the month otherwise people will not take you seriously. Problems relating to lack of focus could hurt students hard.

Chandrashtama days: Feb-21, Feb-22

Days of caution on financial matters: Feb-03, Feb-04, Feb-05, Feb-08, Feb-09, Feb-10

Horoscope for February 2019 for Moon sign Pisces : Meena Janma Rashi

Saturn is going through the 10th house transit. Lagna lord Jupiter’s 9th house transit is supposed to be great but Saturn and Venus cause vedha. Sun’s 11th house transit is auspicious, but the 12th house transit is not. Mars moves through an unfavourable manglik 2nd house transit. Venus is going through an unfavourable 10th house transit. Mercury moves through an unfavourable 12th house. Rahu’s 5th house transit is adverse. At the same time, Ketu’s 11th house transit is favourable and vedha-free.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: The first part of the month indicates favours from friends and the social network. However, during the second half, you could fritter away these gains and favours. Do not do anything that will undermine your credibility with friends and family. Property ownership disputes are also indicated.

Travel: Long distance travel to a foreign land is indicated. Plan well ahead.

Health: Health will be good during the first half of the month. Bad habits, e.g., smoking and drinking should not be picked up. Diseases of the face, eyes, sleeping disorders and lack of pleasures of your own bed are indicated. Injury in leg area can occur.

Finance, Business & Job: During the first part of the month, there will be favours from friends and social networks. However, during the second part of the month, these favours may not come your way. You may become a victim of fraudulent cases against you be secret enemies, especially during the 3rd week of the month.

Chandrashtama days: Feb-23, Feb-24

Days of caution on financial matters: Feb-06, Feb-07, Feb-11, Feb-12

One comment

  • Comment by Chiintaamani Desai on February 19, 2019 at 8:11 am

    Dob-2/2/1979, Time- 9.02 am, Place – Mumbai.
    1)Is there any chance of foreign settlement or overseas travel? When?
    2) Business or job in future?
    3) Any remedies for foreign settlement?

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