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Monthly Predictions April 2018

By Kshitij Sharma, March 18, 2018

The monthly horoscope for April 2018 is presented for you based on the moon sign, i.e. janma rashi in your horoscope, based on the Vedic niryana system. Please do not substitute your Sun sign or a western astrology moon sign here. If you do not know your janma rashi, please refer to the kundali application on this page. 8th house presence for Chandra is called Chandrashtama and is a period of grave caution. These dates are indicated. The dates for caution on financial matters are also indicated. People with a particular janma rashi should avoid dealing in financial matters on these dates, e.g. investment of property, the stock market, giving and taking loans should be avoided.

The planetary positions for the month of April 2018 are as follows:


  • Sun is in Pisces at the beginning of the month and then moves to exaltation sign of Aries on 14th April.
  • Mars has 4th house aspect on Sun when in Pisces.
  • Jupiter and Sun will be opposite each other.


  • Mars will be in Sagittarius throughout April.
  • Saturn and Mars are conjunct in April.


  • Mercury is in Pisces through the month.
  • Retrogression of Mercury ends on 15th April.
  • Mars has 4th house aspect on Mercury
  • Rahu has 9th house aspect on Mercury.


  • Jupiter is moving through Libra.
  • Jupiter is retrograde through the month.
  • Venus will be opposite Jupiter in the 1st part of the month till it moves out of Aries.
  • Jupiter would be opposite Sun during the 2nd part of the month.


  • Venus is in Aries, to begin with, and moves to Taurus on 20th April.
  • When in Aries, Jupiter and Venus are opposite each other.
  • Venus would be conjunct Sun for a few days when Sun moves to Aries on 14th.
  • Ketu has 5th house aspect on Venus when in Taurus.


  • Saturn is transiting through Sagittarius.
  • Saturn is conjunct Mars.
  • Saturn goes retrograde on 18th of April and will be retrograde until September 6th, 2018.


  • Rahu/Ketu continue their transit through Cancer/Capricorn axis.
  • Mars has 8th house aspect on Rahu during the month.
  • Ketu has no aspects during the month.

Horoscope for April 2018 for Moon sign Aries – Mesha Janma Rashi

Sun transits through inauspicious 12th and the 1st house during the month. Saturn is going through inauspicious 9th house transit. Mars is going through inauspicious 9th house transit as well. Jupiter’s transit through the 7th house is favourable. Rahu is going through a 4th house transit. Ketu is going through an unfavourable 10th house transit. Venus will go through favourable 1st and then favourable 2nd house transit, but with Vedha of Jupiter in the 2nd half. Mercury is transiting through an adverse 12th house. Overall, April will be an average month for Aries borns.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: You are being headstrong and unwilling to work with anyone but your family. This kind of attitude will get you forward, but the selfishness should be reduced a notch. There will be disagreements with father, father-figures and mentors. Hence you will lose out on some good advice on their side. Do not keep secrets from your spouse and ensure that communication is going on well, even when you keep matters private from others. If this is done, the family life will be good.

Travel: Long distance travel is indicated, but it will be tiring and may not provide all the results.

Health: Stomach problems, headaches, eye infections are indicated. Blood pressure can be high due to stress. Be careful with muscular injuries.

Finance, Business & Job: New projects will not work out. Concentrate on doing the older tasks well. Disagreement and misalignment with authorities and superiors is indicated. Do not bend/break rules if you are not sure of the ethical aspect. Others around you can also engage in unethical acts. This can lead to loss of honour. In the 2nd part of the month, be careful with paternal property disputes and legal problems, and again understand you are being targeted. Expenditure will be high. Do not fund your expenses with borrowed money – this means that do not make big purchases using your credit card if you are planning to clear the dues in the immediate cycle.

Chandrashtama days: 4-Apr, 5-Apr

Days of caution on financial matters: 14-Apr, 15-Apr, 18-Apr, 19-Apr

Horoscope for April 2018 for Moon sign Taurus – Vrishabha Janma Rashi

This will be an average month for Taurus rashi borns because some transits are good and others aren’t, while 1st half is better than 2nd. Sun goes through auspicious 11th and then an inauspicious 12th house. Jupiter moves through inauspicious 6th house transit. Saturn is going through inauspicious 8th house transit. Mars will be going through adverse 8th house manglik transit. Mercury moves through favourable 11th houses in transit, but is debilitated and is being obstructed due to vedha from Venus in 1st half and Sun in the 2nd half. Rahu and Ketu are moving through the 3rd auspicious (but has vedha of Venus in the 1st half and Sun in the 2nd half) and 9th inauspicious houses respectively in the janma rashi chart. Lagna lord Venus is going through auspicious 12th and then an adverse 1st house.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: The social network will be helpful in the 1st half, but the situation will change in the 2nd half of the month, when suddenly you will not want to work with others and will want to be lonely. This can cause disagreement and conflict with others. Be careful as others have been good with you for past two months and it is time for you to pay it forward. Do not get into conflict with in-laws otherwise it has potential of you getting sucked into conflict with spouse as well. Transits ideally indicate good time at home, but there will be obstacles because of vedhas. As Mercury becomes retrograde and gets Neechabhanga, situation will come to normal.

Travel: Foreign travel is indicated in 2nd part of the month.

Health: Be careful with health in 2nd half of the month more than the first half. Fever, heartburn and other symptoms like headaches should not be neglected. Visit a doctor.

Finance, Business & Job: If you need to finalize a loan or start on a project, 1st half of the month is a better time when transits are more favourable. 2nd half of the month indicates disagreement with government and superiors at the place of work. As much as possible, keep you head down and work. Do not attract undue attention at work as being in spotlight is not the right thing to do in 2nd half of the month. If you try to dominate a situation, competitors will come after you and there is not much support this month. This is a good time to assess your finances and make investments.

Chandrashtama days: 6-Apr, 7-Apr, 8-Apr

Days of caution on financial matters: 16-Apr, 17-Apr, 20-Apr, 21-Apr

Horoscope for April 2018 for Moon sign Gemini – Mithuna Janma Rashi

For Mithuna rashi persons, this will be an adverse month as positive transits are obstructed by vedhas. Sun will be going through favourable 10th and then 11th house transits, but there is vedha of Jupiter. Jupiter moves through a favourable 5th house. Mars is transiting through manglik 7th house. Saturn’s transit is through an adverse 7th house transit, which is a difficult one called adhayia shani. Mercury is going through favourable 10th, but Mars causes vedha. The 11th and 12th house transits of Venus are favourable and thankfully without vedha and you will get good results. Both of Rahu and Ketu’s transits are unfavourable.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: While gains through social network are indicated, you may be too lethargic to build on it. Additionally, conflict with spouse is indicated, which may create problems in domestic life. However, on the other hand, you can change your mindset and chill, and the environment can become better. Throw some parties, spend money and you should be able to buy happiness.

Travel: Throughout the month, travel is indicated, but also obstacles may occur. Theft may occur as well.

Health: Health will be good. Keep food habits in control and do not eat too much of spicy, fatty and sugary food. Keep away from alcohol.

Finance, Business & Job: This is overall a good time at work, if you shed the habit of being an incurable know-it-all. Adversaries can cause problem and loss of earning. This period is good for teamwork and learning. Hence you should use this opportunity to create a good atmosphere at the place of work. Students will do well.

Chandrashtama days: 9-Apr, 10-Apr

Days of caution on financial matters: 18-Apr, 19-Apr, 22-Apr, 23-Apr, 24-Apr

Horoscope for April 2018 for Moon sign Cancer – Karka Jamna Rashi

April 2018 will overall be an auspicious month, but there will be obstacles. Sun is going through adverse 9th and then auspicious 10th house in transit, but Jupiter causes vedha. Mars moves through a favourable 6th, but then Mercury/Sun cause vedha. Venus would be in the negative 10th then positive 11th house transit, but again Mars causes vedha. Mercury is going through an unfavourable 7th house and then a favourable 8th house in transit. Saturn is moving through a favourable 6th house. While Sun does not cause vedha to Saturn and vice versa, but Mercury does. Rahu/Ketu axis is going through the 1st and 7th houses. Jupiter is going through an inauspicious 4th house transit.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: The 1st half is difficult for relations with father. The 2nd half is good for connection with others and comfort at home, but some problems with over optimism and a pedantic attitude will be there. The month is average as far as relationship with spouse is concerned. There will be an unnecessary sense of competition, which is not good for a relationship where give-and-take is involved.

Travel: This is a good month for travel. Make use of the opportunities that it presents.

Health: Fever and accidents are indicated. Skin diseases can also occur.

Finance, Business & Job: There is confusion at the place of work, as well as in your own business. There are problems with competition, while you are raring to go forward. There can be problems with officers of law in 1st half of the month. While the 2nd half is better, you should still be careful. False accusations and dealings with unethical persons can create problems. You yourself can be over-optimistic and see good in everyone. This can be an adverse combination overall. If you navigate obstacles well, court cases and other arbitration cases can be solved in your favour. Be careful with loans and debt. You can make bad decisions if you are over-optimistic about your repayment abilities.

Chandrashtama days:11-Apr, 12-Apr, 13-Apr

Days of caution on financial matters: 20-Apr, 21-Apr, 25-Apr, 26-Apr

Horoscope for April 2018 for Moon sign Leo – Simha Janma Rashi

April will an average to adverse month for Leo rashi borns. Most of the transits are unfavourable.. Jupiter’s unfavourable 3rd house transit is in progress. Sun is going through an unfavourable 8th house and then 9th house in transit. Mars is now moving through an adverse 5th house transit. Venus is moving through the 9th favourable and then the 10th house unfavourable transit. Mercury moves through the 8th and then a 9th favourable transits. Saturn’s 5th house transit is unfavourable. Rahu/Ketu are in 12/6 axis, which indicates unfavourable and favourable transits respectively.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: Focus on the 5th house indicates problems in romance. Completely avoidable issues of competition and emotional dryness between partners is indicated, which can be worked upon by way of compassion and thinking about each other as the transit of Venus can intervene and help in the first half. The same problem is seen with children. This is not a good time for a married couple to plan for kids.

Travel: Religious travels and temple visits in 2nd half of the month will be good.

Health: 1st half will be relatively disease free. 2nd half of the month points to problem in mid-region – chest, stomach, abdomen. Do not neglect any symptoms of problems in these areas.

Finance, Business & Job: Both in 1st and 2nd half of the month, authorities will not be helpful. In 2nd half of the month, you will not get support from mentors and gurus and hence good advice will also be rare. So, you need to be patient and ensure that your own thought process is good. Postpone important decisions if you yourself are undisciplined.

Stock market should be played very carefully. Speculations will not help. Conservative debt based savings instruments are the best bet for you in the current period. Even though the market may be rising, but your decisions will not be aligned with the market.

Chandrashtama days: 14-Apr, 15-Apr

Days of caution on financial matters: 1-Apr, 22-Apr, 23-Apr, 24-Apr, 27-Apr, 28-Apr

Horoscope for April 2018 for Moon sign Virgo – Kanya Janma Rashi

April will largely be an average month for Kanya rashi borns, but help will be available from unexpected quarters. For Virgo rashi borns, Saturn’s transit through the 4th is adverse. Mars is transiting through the manglik 4th house. Jupiter is going through auspicious 2nd house transit. Sun’s transit houses will be an adverse 7th followed by another adverse 8th house transit. Rashi lord Mercury will be going through an adverse 7th house transit. Venus is moving through favourable 8th and 9th houses. Rahu/Ketu axis is going through 11/5 transit and the Rahu’s 11th house transit is auspicious. The positive transits during the month will be pretty much vedha free and you will be able to make good use of the transits.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: You will not be able to connect with others emotionally. The same problems occur with mother and spouse, while you will want to get out of the house and connect more with your social network. Disputes with other relatives are also likely to occur. This is an easier month for men rather than women, because for men, Venus has a more supporting transit.

Travel: Traveling may not be best for Virgo borns.

Health: Problems of digestive system are indicated. Avoid spicy food at all cost. Chest infections, heart-burns can also occur. Enthusiasm and energy levels may run low.

Finance, Business & Job: Be careful with your partners and legal problems. Sharing finances with partners can be a problem during the month. Impediments in business are also indicated. Real estate deal can go sour.

Communication is one area that will work for you during the month. Make sure you are communicating the right things. Negotiations with government agents should be done with utmost care.

Chandrashtama days:16-Apr, 17-Apr

Days of caution on financial matters: 2-Apr, 3-Apr, 25-Apr, 26-Apr, 29-Apr, 30-Apr

Horoscope for April 2018 for Moon sign Libra – Tula Janma Rashi

1st part of the month will be better than 2nd, while the month is good as favourable transits do not have vedha. Sun is going through auspicious 6th but then an inauspicious 7th house in transit. Saturn is going through auspicious 3rd house transit. Jupiter is going through an inauspicious 1st house transit. Rashi lord Venus is going through an inauspicious 7th and then auspicious 8th house in transit. Mercury is going through an auspicious 6th house in transit. Mars is going through favourable 3rd house transit. Rahu is going through an unfavourable 10th house transit, while Ketu through an adverse 4th house transit.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: 1st half of the month indicates good comfortable time at home. You will strut around like a peacock in the jungle, having a good time and being least bothered about others. Just be careful that you do not keep on dominating every situation that you come across. Due to this attitude, you can get into problems with your spouse, who may come back to you with equal fervour. 1st half of the month is a good time for couples trying for a child.

Travel: Short term travel for conferences, study tours will be auspicious. Travel in the 2nd half will not be all that great.

Health: Health will be good during the month. Be careful with problems of lower abdomen during the 2nd half. Also, the overall enthusiasm levels may be down.

Finance, Business & Job: It is a reasonable time at the place of work. The 1st half is better than the 2nd. Still, even in the 2nd half, overall honour/authority will increase. Projects can be completed successfully.

Real estate transactions can be rewarding. The 1st half of the month can indicate settling of some old running legal issues. However, you should be careful not to initiate any new legal problems, especially in your business and within partners.

Chandrashtama days: 18-Apr, 19-Apr

Days of caution on financial matters: 1-Apr, 4-Apr, 5-Apr, 27-Apr, 28-Apr

Horoscope for April 2018 for Moon sign Scorpio – Vrishchika Jamna Rashi

Saturn’s transit through 2nd from your janma rashi is the last part of sadhe sati going on for you. Jupiter’s transit is adverse too, through 12th house. Rashi lord Mars is going through a 2nd house manglik transit. Mercury is going through adverse 5th and then 6th house transit. Venus is going through an unfavourable 6th and then 7th house transit. Sun will move through an unfavourable 3rd and then a favourable 6th house in transit, but will encounter Jupiter’s vedha. Rahu/Ketu are going through the 9th and the 3rd houses respectively, but Jupiter’s vedha on Ketu will dilute the good effects for long term. This will be an adverse month as all transits are either unfavourable or are blocked by vedhas.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: It is a good time to reset and reflect during the month. Do not make any sudden changes to your lifestyle. Status quo needs to be maintained. If you try to be your normal self of a shy, yet proud individual, it may not work for you. Go with the flow and follow your family members’ advice. Do yell and do not get angry at them.

Travel: There are no major indications about travel.

Health: Eat well, which means you need to keep away from spicy, fatty food.

Finance, Business & Job: A lot of rude talk will create problems at the place of work. During the 2nd half too, when the transits are little favourable, you need to keep your head down and not be in a pontificating mode. Displeasure of superiors at work, and authorities, if you are in business, is indicated. If you are in a compromising mode, lawsuits can be settled.

Keep a very close watch on expenditure. Do not break existing bank deposits to fund your expenses.

Chandrashtama days: 20-Apr, 21-Apr

Days of caution on financial matters: 2-Apr, 3-Apr, 6-Apr, 7-Apr, 8-Apr, 29-Apr, 30-Apr

Horoscope for April 2018 for Moon sign Sagittarius – Dhanu Janma Rashi

Saturn’s transit through Sagittarius indicates that Sagittarians are going through 1st house sadhe sati. The Jupiter’s 11th house transit is the best and in a way compensates for sadhe sati. Sun is going through both unfavourable 4th followed by 5th house transit. Mars moves through an adverse 1st house transit. Mercury will be moving through favourable 4th and 5th houses in transit. Venus moves through a favourable 5th and then an unfavourable 6th house in transit. Rahu/Ketu transit is now operating from 8/2 axis. It is an average month, but the 1st half is slightly better than the 2nd.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: Empathy towards others and romance with your partner is being put on backburner during the month, while you act naively, and too much like an idealist. Relatives and friends will also feel the heat. There are chances of you getting in ego-clashes with them. People outside of family will find favours with you and these relations can become prosperous. Sadhe sati is continuing to sap energy out of existing relations.

Travel: There are no major indications of travel during the month.

Health: Fever, body pain is indicated. Wife and mother in the first half and children in the 2nd half will be susceptible to illnesses. You will be moody and insensitive. Headaches and possibly head injuries are indicated.

Finance, Business & Job: Be careful with tax authorities otherwise you will come under financial stress. Hard work will be paid off in time, even if you feel dejected and do not feel that you are getting your due.

This is a good period for students and teachers both. Professionals looking to enhance their skill-sets will be successful.

Chandrashtama days: 22-Apr, 23-Apr, 24-Apr

Days of caution on financial matters: 4-Apr, 5-Apr, 9-Apr, 10-Apr

Horoscope for April 2018 for Moon sign Capricorn – Makara Janma Rashi

Saturn is now going through 12th house and sadhe sati is in its first phase. Jupiter is transiting through your 10th house and it is an inauspicious transit. Sun’s transits through 3rd house is auspicious, but 4th house transit is inauspicious. Mars is transiting through the manglik 12th house. Venus is transiting through the 4th and then the 5th house, both of which are favourable transits. Mercury is transiting through the 1st and 2nd house. Rahu/Ketu axis operates through 7/1 axis.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: It will not be easy to maintain cordial relations with everyone during the month. Spouse/partner, siblings, etc. will not be easy to deal with Neighbours and relatives will be more prominent in your life during this period. Entertainment and relaxation routines planned to increase the time spent with family will help.

Travel: Short travel will be good in 1st half but not so helpful in 2nd half.

Health: Mental worries, stress at workplace will cause problems. Be careful with accidents and injuries.

Finance, Business & Job: You may not get credit for all you are accomplishing at the place of work. Still, you should not sit still. Laziness at the place of work will cause problems since Jupiter is retrograde. Wasteful expenditure is also indicated. 2nd half of the month may indicate ego clashes with superiors, which will go against you. Peace and harmony at the place of work can be disturbed due to these problems.

Gains from sale and purchase of agriculture land are indicated.

Chandrashtama days: 25-Apr, 26-Apr

Days of caution on financial matters: 6-Apr, 7-Apr, 8-Apr, 11-Apr, 12-Apr, 13-Apr

Horoscope for April 2018 for Moon sign Aquarius – Kumbha Janma Rashi

Sun is going through inauspicious 2nd and then auspicious 3rd house transit, but there is vedha of Jupiter. Jupiter is going through an auspicious 9th house transit. Rahu/Ketu transit is going through the 6/12 axis, but Jupiter causes vedha to an otherwise auspicious transit of Rahu. Saturn moves through very auspicious 11th house transit. Mercury goes through the 2nd house. Mars transits through an auspicious 11th house transit as well. Venus goes through auspicious 3rd and 4th house transits. Overall, it will be a good month, even though the auspiciousness is reduced due to vedhas.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: Disputes with friends and family is indicated. New friends should be scrutinized carefully. If the scrutiny is done carefully, they can be with you for a long time. There will be cooperation from everyone in the affairs of the family. There can be some problems with your elder siblings. Too much focus on the social network can create stress in your life. Party hard with them, but don’t let them in your life too much.

Travel: Transits in 2nd half of the month indicate short travel.

Health: Physiological health will be good. Illness to eyes, throat and mouth are indicated in the 1st half. You will get angry at people needlessly.

Finance, Business & Job: During the 1st half of the month, you should not get into unknown areas of investment. A new investment advisor, stock broker or real estate advisor should not be recruited in the 1st part of the month and his/her reliability and background should be thoroughly checked. Expenditure is indicated towards procurement of luxury items for yourself.

This is not a good period to loan money to others.

This is a a good period for students to appear for their competitive exams.

Chandrashtama days: 1-Apr, 27-Apr, 28-Apr

Days of caution on financial matters: 9-Apr, 10-Apr, 14-Apr, 15-Apr

Horoscope for April 2018 for Moon sign Pisces – Meena Janma Rashi

This is an adverse month for Meena rashi persons. Saturn is going through 10th house transit. Lagna lord Jupiter’s 8th house transit is inauspicious. Sun’s 1st and 2nd house transits are inauspicious. Mars moves through unfavourable 10th house transit. Venus is going through 2nd and 3rd house favourable transits, but Mercury causes vedha in the 2nd half. Mercury moves through inauspicious 1st and 2nd houses in transit. Rahu’s 5th house transit is adverse. At the same time Ketu’s 11th house transit is favourable.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: There is too much focus on yourself and hence you are likely to neglect everyone around you. In the 2nd half, you will get angry with everyone who is not agreeing with you. Relationship with neighbours, old classmates will become more prominent in your life compared to relatives.

Travel: Travel will not be fruitful and will be more like separation from family. Short travel is indicated.

Health: Anxiety and stress can lead to problems in chest area. Do not neglect any symptoms.

Finance, Business & Job: There is too much anxiety at the place of work, whether it is a job or you are running your own business. You are not likely to think straight, become aggressive without reason and may cause damage to your own reputation. This is a tough period for students too. They need to put more effort to focus and remember their lessons. Focus on career development and getting new skills, if you are feeling too ambitious.

Chandrashtama days: 2-Apr, 3-Apr, 29-Apr, 30-Apr

Days of caution on financial matters: 11-Apr, 12-Apr, 13-Apr, 16-Apr, 17-Apr

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