This portal is dedicated to Vedic Astrology - Vedanga Jyotish, a science that is deep-rooted in Indian culture, tradition, and philosophy of life.

The Bangalore Blasts

By Kshitij Sharma, July 26, 2008

I was very sorry to hear about the blasts in Bangalore in the afternoon of 25/07. Sitting around the television in the company cafeteria, a bunch of colleagues continuously changed channels to get more information on the location and effect of these blasts. It initially started with news about two blasts and gradually the tally increased to seven. The sense in among colleagues at work was not necessarily that of fear, but that of irritation and disgust and ironically an occasional joke. Today, police found and diffused a live bomb near Forum Mall.

I started writing about this incident and after a while, the mind went completely blank. I could not decide what exactly to write. I could not figure out who the intended audience should be. The common man in India and throughout the world would automatically condemn the blasts and any one in their right mind will not sympathize with the folks who carried them out. It is also extremely unlikely that the people who really did it are reading this message and will feel sorry about their actions just because I am saying something.

Still, I will try to do my part. I probably cannot make any difference to the ideology of these terrorists. I can, however, appeal to the Government of the day in India and ask them to shape up. Listen you folks sitting up there in the power echelons: the trust vote is done, ok? Stop using CBI and IB to cook your own goose. Let them do their job of making our lives safe. If you cannot do that, let me tell you – you are not required. Get Out! The victims of Delhi and Jaipur blasts have still not got justice. How could you have let this happen in Bangalore?

And just when I thought I had let a part of it outside my system, there is a breaking news about fourteen serial explosions in city of Ahmedabad. What the hell!


  • Comment by S. ANAND on July 29, 2008 at 4:37 am

    What do you expect when you have Saturn and Mars in Leo?

    Can our nation’s problems with security be solved in a short span of time? YES. An emphatic YES. With powerful occult practices, the Prime Minister or President can destroy our external enemies. However, the PM doesn’t believe in astrology, while the PM-in-waiting could use the same practices against his political enemies. The President…less said about her the better. People who loot cooperative banks having life savings of poor farmers, don’t have any moral right to govern.

    Our politicians are bereft of satwikta, these solutions will not be utilized for the greater good of Bharat. If people want change and relief from such terrorizing situations, it is time they realized they have to do it themselves.

  • Comment by Pranav on August 4, 2008 at 10:43 pm

    I agree with you that the Rulers should keep the politics and personal interests aside and should let the various wings of the Govt do their duties perfectly. It is not just the failure of Govt, even those people of the nation helping the evil minded should realize the damage they are doing to themselves.

    By the way, I want to hear analysis on whats happening to India in these past few days. Bangalore & Ahmedabad incidents, Gautami express incident and the latest Naina devi temple incident! It really worries me. I am hearing that the rare celestial occasion of solar and lunar eclipses just days apart is a sign of serious concern. How far is it true? Are we expecting more bad in the days ahead?

    sarve janah sukhino bhavantu!

  • Comment by Renu Sharma on August 5, 2008 at 10:57 am

    Stop being naive.Do you really beleive the Christian government in Delhi and elsewhere is not the perpetrator of these crimes? Are the Hindu youth in India and elsewhere united on saving their motherland and bretheren from atrocities? Why should the government anywhere care? Hindus have to do more than write protest letters and shout from the rooftops, or are they waiting for Rama – why don’t they waken the Rama within them?

    hey you clever guys think –vichar karo- kya karna hai , kya kar sakte ho.

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