This portal is dedicated to Vedic Astrology - Vedanga Jyotish, a science that is deep-rooted in Indian culture, tradition, and philosophy of life.

Benefic and Malefic Planets

By Kshitij Sharma, September 6, 2009

The art of determining benefic and malefic planets for a lagna (or rashi) is best learnt from Dr. B.V. Raman’s excellent book – How to Judge a Horoscope. This post is what I have learnt from one of the early chapters in the book – “Considerations in Judging a House”. If Motilal Banarasidas has copyright issues with this article, let it be known to me. I will remove it immediately. Still, I believe that all aspiring astrologers should mug this chapter.

The chapter does not only talk about planet by planet list for each lagna, but spell out the rules in making this determination. Lordship of certain houses in the chart can make the planets deviate from their natural tendencies of doing good or bad. E.g. Jupiter, who is naturally the best beneficial planet, is not good for Kanya (Virgo) lagna. It is similarly neutral for Simha (Leo) lagna.

In the rules given below, Dr. Raman also talks about Kendradhipati Dosha, the blemish acquired by a natural benefic by virtue of lordship of an angle 4th, 7th or 10th house. The lord of Lagna does not get affected by this dosha.

Benefics for a lagna can be determined as:

  1. First house lord, other than moon,
  2. 9th and 5th lords (in that order)
  3. 10th, 7th and 4th lords (in that order), when they are not natural benefics. This is Kendradhipati Dosha, which gets cancelled only when the aforesaid planet occupies its own sign.
  4. 9th and 10th house lords are considered very beneficial to a chart, but they should not be linked with 8th or 11th house.
  5. Natural malefics, when they become kendradhipatis.

The property of getting opposite traits to natural tendency is cancelled when the planet in question occupies its own house.

Malefics are determined as:

  1. Lords of 3rd, 6th and 11th houses, in the reverse order,
  2. Any benefics that might be tainted with Kendradhipati Dosha.

Neutrals are:

  1. Moon as lord of Lagna,
  2. Lords of 8th and 12th house; although the chapter mentions only Sun and Moon as having this property, but in principle it can be applied to each planet.

Based on the logic presented here, the list of benefic and malefic planet for each lagna can be summarized as follows.

Lagna Beneficial Planets Inauspicious Planets Special Comments
Aries (Mesha) Jupiter, Sun, Mars Saturn, Mercury, Venus

Waxing Moon is not auspicious as it suffers from Kendradhipati dosha

Taurus (Vrishabha) Saturn, Mercury, Mars, Sun Jupiter, Moon and Venus
Gemini (Mithuna) Venus Mars, Jupiter, Sun

Mars would be very inauspicious for Gemini as it owns 6th and 11th Houses

Cancer (Karka) Jupiter, Mars Venus, Mercury, Saturn

Saturn owns both 7th and 8th houses

Leo (Simha) Mars and Sun Mercury and Venus, Saturn

Mars is a yogakaraka all by itself.

Virgo (Kanya) Venus Moon, Mars, Jupiter
Libra (Tula) Saturn, Mercury and Venus Sun, Jupiter, Moon

Mars through 2nd and 7th house ownership is a maraka by itself.

Scorpio (Vrishchika) Moon, Sun, Jupiter Mercury, Venus
Sagittarius (Dhanu) Mars, Sun Venus, Saturn, Mercury
Capricorn (Makara) Venus, Mercury, Saturn Mars, Jupiter, Moon
Aquarius (Kumbha) Venus, Mars, Sun Jupiter, Moon
Pisces (Meena) Moon, Mars Saturn, Sun, Venus, Mercury

Looking at the rule for beneficial planets, Saturn is not a part of the list for Mesha lagna. This is because He is also a simultaneous ruler for 11th house that take the beneficial streak away.

With all the credit given to Shri PVR Narsimha Rao ( as I copied this from one of the yahoo groups.

********* P.V.R.Narasimha Rao Starts *********

For the convenience of others, I want to outline Parasara’s basic guidelines:

  • Functional nature (benefic vs malefic) is determined by all the houses owned by the planets (except nodes, for whom it is decided based on the house occupied and company).
  • Trine lordship is functionally benefic.
  • Quadrant lordship is slightly malefic for natural benefics and slightly benefic for natural malefics.
  • Ownership of 3rd, 6th and 11th is functionally malefic (Editor: There is no respite from the taint due to lordship of these houses)
  • Ownership of 2nd, 8th and 12th is functionally benefic or malefic based on the other house owned (if any) and company.

Suppose Le rises and Jupiter is with Mars. Jupiter owns 5th and 8th. On account of 5th ownership, he is a benefic. On account of 8th ownership, he is a benefic as he is with Mars who is a benefic (yogakaraka). So overall Jupiter is a strong functional benefic.

Suppose Le rises and Jupiter is with Venus. Jupiter owns 5th and 8th. On account of 5th ownership, he is a benefic. On account of 8th ownership, he is a malefic as he is with Venus (3rd and 10th lord and malefic). So Jupiter is overall neutral.

Suppose Moon, Mars and Jupiter are together in the same chart. Being with Mars, Jupiter is a strong benefic (see above). Being with Mars and Jupiter, 12th lord Moon is a functional benefic.

This is a fundamental concept taught by Parasara and repeated many times:

  • When a functional benefic conjoins or aspects a house or its lord, he will give auspicious results related to that house.
  • When a functional malefic conjoins or aspects a house or its lord, he will give inauspicious results related to that house.
  • Yogakarakas and strong (e.g. exalted/moolatrikona/own sign) functional benefics and planets in good yogas give good results.

Not every planet conjoining or aspecting the 7th house or 7th lord needs to give marriage. In fact, such a planet can break marriage or cause problems in it, if it is a functional malefic.

******** P.V.R.Narasimha Rao Ends *********


  • Comment by usal on September 18, 2009 at 2:27 pm

    Dear Gurujis Namaskaram,

    wanted to know whether moon is good in mysign or not. I have heard that moon exalts in taurus lagna but here it is mentioned moon is not good. My TOB: 12:55 pm. delhi, 17-02-82. Also any debilitated planet that I should take some action upon.

  • Comment by anel vijay on September 22, 2009 at 4:35 pm

    it is really a good blog. i appreciate your efforts.

    Can you tell me benefic & malafic planet in my kundlani. Detailas are below

    Dob 22/11/1971
    Time 3:45 Am
    Place Baran

    Thanx & regards


  • Comment by Thiyagarajan on September 27, 2009 at 11:31 am

    Dear Sir,

    The ariticle is execlent, I have small clarification.

    How to determine the Benefic and Malefic Planets of Lagna and rasi ?

    for example for Mesha Lagna Planets with evil streak are Saturn, Mercury, Venus at the same time if he born in Thula(Libra) rasi (Chithai, swathi and visakam)
    Beneficial Planets are Saturn, Mercury and Venus. Please clarify how to determine the astrological effects in this case.

  • Comment by Arup Pal on November 23, 2009 at 1:09 pm

    Data of birth 23rd November 1966
    Place of Birth Kulti (asansol, City: Koltaka)
    Time 21.00
    I would like to know who is my Isthadabata and main Planet.
    When My good time will come?

  • Comment by Chandrika on January 24, 2010 at 9:55 pm

    Please, can you help about my chart? An astrologer said to me that my chart is very difficult to read and to live…
    Birth date:11/may/1956
    birth time: 20´15:OO city:Porto alegre-Rs-Brazil(lat.30.02/ long.51´12 timezone:3

    Thank you very much if you can ask me something about!
    Hari Om

  • Comment by Shivaram on February 2, 2010 at 1:47 am

    My DOB February 25, 1972 3:00 AM Mandya, Karnataka State, INDIA. Lagna is Sagittarius. Rasi Mithuna, Nakshatra Punarvasu 1St Pada. Jupiter is in lagna, Rahu is in 2nd House (Lord of the house Saturn),Mercury is in 3rd house combustion with Sun (Lord of the house in Saturn). Venus (Exal) is in 4th House (Lord of the House is Jupiter), Mars is in 5th house (Own), Saturn is in 6th House (Lord of the house Venus), Moon is in 7th house (Lord of the house Mercury), Ketu is in 8th House (Lord of the house Moon).

    Since Venus is Natural Benificiary and according to B.V.Raman book and your article, it becomes malefic. Since is in Exlated is the mean it is going cause more problem?

    I appreciate your response.

  • Comment by smriti pandey on March 2, 2010 at 2:40 am

    my dob is 22/12/1987
    time-9:52 am
    Can you tell me benefic & malafic planet in my kundlani.

  • Comment by Tina on March 4, 2010 at 11:56 am

    Dear Sir,

    My name is Tina. I am writing to you to seek your advice. The issue is regarding delay in my marriage.

    My details are-

    DOB – 23/01/1978.

    Time & Place- 11:15 AM, Mumbai.

    We have been looking out for prospects for over 6 years now. We have received several proposals but things just did not materialize. Am I a manglik? Some have said that there’s a little manglik dosh but due to auspicious positions of other planets I cannot be labeled as a manglik & do not need to get married to a manglik guy. Some say that it’s the presence of Rahu in seventh house and Lord of seventh house-Mercury in retrograde position, these two factors are responsible for delay in marriage. I have kark lagna also.
    Can you plz advise what needs to be done & if I am likely to get married at all & if yes when & if that will be a good marriage or not. Plz let me know about my overall life also.Kindly suggest if I am required to wear anything or do any puja, if yes what should be the carat weight of that gem & how it needs to be worn.
    Recently someone had advised me to wear a “Zircon” sized 4 carat on Friday on my left hand ring finger which I am wearing. I am also wearing a red coral in silver, gomed (hessonite)in silver & pearl in gold. for the past 6-7 years. These three stones are embedded in in one pendant which I wear in my waist.
    It is a little confusing as different people advise different remedies.
    Also if you can tell me about how my life would be in general. I am working currently as a Manager. I will be really grateful if you can spare some time for me.
    Kindly help.

  • Comment by BALASUBRAMANI on September 23, 2010 at 10:07 am

    dear sir
    my date of birth is 17th april 1986
    time is 08.20 am
    since four year iam trying for job iam not getting it when will i get a job at what type and i love a girl and i want to get maried her is threr chance of love marriage in my life plz reply sir

  • Comment by Nishant on October 12, 2010 at 1:57 am

    Dear sir,
    I am Nishant i have read this document and i am right now surprised wit that way you have deal with all this tedious issues simply .
    Since i am having great problems i right now need your
    valuable suggestions.
    My date of birth is 01/03/1985 and
    time is 01:12 pm place : katangi(m.p.) .
    Please help me out Sir.

  • Comment by HEMANT BISWAL on November 25, 2010 at 6:57 pm

    Guruji, pranam.
    I am Hemant from Surat,Gujarat. Pls help me, show me the way, I can not see my future wel. I am completely BLIND to find my CAREER. I am not stable in my job, which job is best for me, in which field I should try? When I achieve success in my life?
    My date of birth details:
    17/04/1978 @12:30 PM, place- Surat
    Thanks for ur kind guidance

  • Comment by Vivek Agrawal on July 2, 2012 at 11:53 am

    DOB – 06-09-1980
    City – Indore
    State – MP

    Please predict my future

  • Comment by Natarajan Ganesan on August 17, 2012 at 2:05 am

    So by the contents above and table therein Jupiter is a benefic only in three cases, malefic in 6 cases and 3 cases have not been mentioned (I am assuming they are neutral).

    This sounds so counter-intuitive to the notion that Jupiter is natural benefic.

    Can you please explain?


    Natarajan Ganesan

  • Comment by Mohhd aslam on August 26, 2012 at 4:10 pm

    Sir jo planet lagan chart me benefic h wo verga chart me b benefic rahege ya us lagan ke hisab se change ho jayege

  • Comment by RAVINDER on September 11, 2012 at 2:51 pm

    DOB – 05-07-1984
    City – faridabad
    State – hariyana
    Time- 12:15 day time

    Please predict my future. please tell me that when got a better job.kya govt job ka milne ke yog h aur h toh kab tak mil sakti koi govt. job.

  • Comment by srikanth on October 19, 2012 at 4:20 pm

    DOB 04/11/1977
    12:20 PM

    Place: Mysore, Karnataka

    Can you please tell me that the venus and mercury are malefic or benefic.

  • Comment by u yogalingam on December 26, 2012 at 4:38 pm

    my birth details P.O.B cumbum(andhrapradesh),D.O.B 26/02/1984, T.O.B 3:07am, my woulldbe details D.O.B 28/11/1987 P.O.B ongole(andhrapradesh) T.O.B 5:30pm please check the compatability between us and suggest me whether to marry me r not

  • Comment by Chirag on April 25, 2013 at 11:38 am

    DOB 30-10-1992
    Time : 6.30PM
    Place: Puri, Orissa

    Can you please tell me which planets are malefic & which are benefic. What remedies will be done ?

  • Comment by Dipak on June 12, 2013 at 5:16 pm

    Leo lagna sun and mercury in libra it is good or bed

  • Comment by chandrasekhar on September 9, 2013 at 11:33 pm

    Guruji, pranam.
    I am sekhar from vijayawada AP Pls help me, show me the way, I can not see my future well i am completely BLIND to find my CAREER. I am not stable in my business which is best for me, in which field I should try? When I achieve success in my life?
    My date of birth details:
    27/07/1972 @12:30 PM, place- vijayawada AP
    Thanks for ur kind guidance

  • Comment by DEVSHI MAHESHWARI on September 22, 2013 at 11:42 am



    2) GENDER : MALE
    3) BIRTH DATE : 16/09/1981
    4) BIRTH TIME : 10:55 AM
    Latitude : 23° 00′ North Longitude : 70° 11′ East.





  • Comment by Bharat on October 11, 2013 at 3:41 pm

    Dear Devshi, your best benefic is Saturn and most malefic is Mars or Mangal. Mars creates problem in your marriage and also your money and assets are not well disposed. you also loose in friendship etc. you are accident prone due to effect of rahu on Mangal Worship Hanumanji. i think your jupiter is supposed to be ill disposed due to lordship of 3 and 6th house but its evil effect is neutralised due to effect of Sun and Saturn Mercury and in turn becomes rather favourable. Do certain solutions and you shall do well in life.
    TC and Bye.

  • Comment by Sreenivasa Moorthy on October 21, 2013 at 4:26 pm

    Dear Sir,

    I had been following various books / articles on astrology. For Leo Ascendant Mars is considered as a functional benefic & positional banefic. It is well placed in natal chart, yet I am experiencing very bad results. Mars maha dasha just started. Could you pl through some light in this???
    Birth detials:
    DOB: 25 August 1956
    Place: Podile
    Time: 07-15 AM

    I would appreciate your quick reply to my mail id.

  • Comment by surabhi garg on February 1, 2014 at 2:50 pm

    My dob is 30/12/1981
    12:35 pm
    meerut , uttar pradesh

    I have had lots of troubles and is still under going the same
    please help.

  • Comment by mbnarayana on June 25, 2014 at 10:51 am

    When 11th house is considered as labhasthana irrespective of lord of the house how can it be inauspisicious?

  • Comment by Naga on September 9, 2014 at 6:30 pm

    Dear Guruji,

    My DOB is 18.6.1972 5AM Tanuku India. Taurus ascendant & leo rashi my Rahu dasha was not stable, while Jupiter is functional malefic, is in moolatrikona sign, as per Prashara sastra malefic cancellation will applied, kindly suggest some good remedies and gem stone for me in looking towards my career growth.

    Thank you for your time.

    Best Regards,
    Naga Ram

  • Comment by kals on October 18, 2014 at 2:30 am

    Hi , Kindly let me know the correct gemstone for me.

    Details : 17/01/1982 , 22:12 PM, Pune

  • Comment by Zia ul husnain on October 25, 2014 at 10:08 pm


    Please let me know how the planet Mars got malefic in 9th house?


  • Comment by Prav on October 26, 2014 at 1:50 pm

    I got married on 7 april2013 . It’s goin to be 2 yrs after marriage in april15 . But we are not able to stay together due to job profile. We have spent only4 months together in this period. Is there any dosha in our kundli ? If so what is the remedy. Waiting for your kind reply.
    My detail
    D o b: 19oct85
    Star: libra
    Wife’s detail
    D o b:19may87
    Star: taurus

  • Comment by priyanka on March 10, 2015 at 12:01 pm

    my dob is 2-06-1982
    time 08:15am
    pls tell my benefic and malefic planets

    Name priyanka Mendhiratta

  • Comment by Manish on March 13, 2015 at 2:09 pm

    Hi Sir/Mam,
    My DOB: 7th Aug 1983 3:55PM ,Place:Gangtok-Sikkim

    Am tring hard to change job but unluckly not able to get.
    Can you suggest when can it will possible.


  • Comment by Jitesh on May 6, 2015 at 8:00 pm

    it is really a good blog. i appreciate your efforts.

    Can you tell me benefic & malafic planet in my kundlani. Detailas are below

    Dob 27/09/1982
    Time 7:30 pm
    Place :- New Delhi

    Thanx & regards

  • Comment by shradha singh on May 15, 2015 at 2:49 am

    Respected sir,
    I have been trying for a baby since 8 years but failed.tried all the treatments but failed.which remedies I can do to make situation favourable. Details are as follows:
    Time:2:07 noon
    Husband’s detail
    Time:2:45 noon
    Plz help me sir.I’m very worried.regards

  • Comment by Prabhakaran on May 23, 2015 at 6:48 pm

    Respected sir / Madem, i want my marriage prediction.

    My details

    Name : Prabhakaran : Male (Unmarried),
    Date of birth : 4th january 1983,
    Birth time : 15:22 (3:22 Pm),
    Birth place : Erode. ( Tamilnadu – India )

    i already consult one astrologer. he say “Marriage is not possible if the 7th house (Saturn) comes under the influence of Sun and Saturn”

    So my question is, if my marriage is not possible …?
    If my marriage is possible, arranged or love marriage …? Which month / Year…?
    How is my future wife…?

    >>> Please openly give positive & negative results <<<

    Thank you

  • Comment by Satish das on May 26, 2015 at 1:50 am

    Well i want to know my benific planets and gem stones according to my lagna chart. DOB : 28.1.1991 time-10:54am place -bhubaneswar,odisha

  • Comment by R S Ramanujam on June 4, 2015 at 7:51 pm

    Could you kindly let me know my Ishta Devata. I was born in Patna, Bihar at 10.26PM on 3rd February 1940.

  • Comment by Swarup on July 24, 2015 at 10:56 am

    Namaskar guruji my name is swarup
    My D.O.B.-14 oct 1991,T.O.B.-10.34 am Place-Tinsukia(Assam)
    Lattitude-27’30’ north
    Longttitude-95’22 east
    Time zone-+5.30
    god swear i m really a poor n unlucky guy so m not personally capable of consulting any astrologer,so if u kindly help me by suggesting that what type easy and effective remedy nd for what planets can be taken by me than i will be very thaknful to u for whole….om namah sivahaya

  • Comment by jyotsna harshani on August 7, 2015 at 2:51 am

    Hi.. I was born on 25.3.1986 at 3.40 pm In kurnool, andhra pradesh. Can u tell me about beneficial and malefic planets and which ring to wear

  • Comment by Neeraj Soni on August 16, 2015 at 9:52 pm

    Dear Sirs,
    I found your article excellent and appreciate the efforts of sharing this knowledge.
    I would like to request you if you could guide me for my Gems to wear.
    Name: Neeraj
    D. O. B: 10 December 1975
    Time : 21:27 (9:27 pm)
    Birth place : Mumbai

    Thank you in advance for the same.

    Kind Regards,

  • Comment by K.Maitra on August 30, 2015 at 9:03 pm

    dob:11dec1988 17:58hrs.
    Can you please let me know my benific and malific planets.
    And time for my marriage and my also job aspect.I am trying for a job change.

  • Comment by n .murali krishna on September 23, 2015 at 6:34 pm

    my Do of birth 02 june 1983 time early morning 1:05 minutes thursday capricorn danista star sir pls send my horscope my job .. my marriage(love or enngage) … tell me sir

  • Comment by Bharathi on January 18, 2016 at 11:11 am

    Hi Sir,

    my family is hoping for male chaild from us as we dont have male chaild in my family, and also I did not get job…as I completed in 2010.please help me sir

    my birth details
    Time: 10:14am
    Place:Sullurpet,Nellore District

  • Comment by ravindra pamula on February 2, 2016 at 11:48 am

    My dob 12 may 1987 moon sign Libra I am facing lot of problems health no love in life no helps me in my problems pls help do I have moon dosha in my kundali

  • Comment by Ranadip Mazumder on February 21, 2016 at 7:18 pm

    Guruji…Pranav. My Dob is 13.10.1982. My birth place..Coochbehar, West Bengal , Time of birth is 2.30 pm. Pls…. Predict about my future and birth of my children. I am married on 03.05.2012

  • Comment by prahlad Patel on February 24, 2016 at 11:19 am

    Dear Guruji

    my dob is 14/01/1974 birth time 08.00 am place : valsad , Gujarat , I am suffering from lots of problem please reply with remedy , shall pay all fees , 0091 – 9726261584 whatsapp

  • Comment by Amarnath.C on March 18, 2016 at 12:49 pm

    Dear Guruji,
    My date of birth is 23-12-1986 Time 9.30Am my birth place is Kuppam AP.
    Kindly suggest my further and health.


  • Comment by D.KISHORE KUMAR on March 28, 2016 at 1:41 pm

    Dear guruji.
    My DOB 20-09-1958 at o6, oo hrs (suryodayam time) place at warangal town A.P. India. since birth I am idle. what ever I do that goes wrong and bad.No astrologist predicting exact.Planetary positions are damn bad.will you give me detailed chart with remedies so that I can breath in the rest of life. nominal fee will be paid.with great expectations I am waiting

  • Comment by Dharm Shankar on March 29, 2016 at 3:42 pm

    Respected Pandit jee,

    I am jobless from 28th april 2015, in between one year, I did job for 2-3 month and now i don’t have money to pay rent, kids fee or anything.

    My date of birth is 9th july and when i put in kundli software i make date of 10th july because time is morning 4.30 AM . please look on attached original kundli and let me know what date i used for astrology.

    Birth Date – 10 July 1973
    Birth Time – 4.30 AM
    Place – Darbhanga, Bihar

    I have wear Emrald,Sapphire and JARKAN. I do have on silver chain in neck with rudraksh and one bracelet in wrist.

    I want to be a businessman but for now I need JOB atleast. I do have lots of loan which are making my life so HARD. I am eligible for good salrary, have good knowledge …….but I am a FAILED person…..PLEASE HELP ME.

  • Comment by sachin barot on April 29, 2016 at 9:37 am

    Dear sir,
    Dob 13 11 1983
    Time 17:00hrs
    Place ankleshwar gujarat
    When i married when can i get my own house which stone need to wear

  • Comment by Nitin on May 31, 2016 at 9:00 am

    My DOB is 21-07-1977
    Time is 09:16
    Place is Kanpur, UP.

    Pls let me know my details, about my job prospects and success in life.

    Regards, Nitin Singh

  • Comment by Srilekha Das on June 2, 2016 at 7:42 am

    Name-Srilekha Das
    Date of birth-14/05/1995
    Birth time-08:36 AM
    Sir I want to know about my career whether I will get job in IPS or not?And in which year and also want to know whether I would marry my desired person and when??What would be his name starts from??

  • Comment by Srilekha Das on June 2, 2016 at 7:45 am

    Name -Srilekha Das
    Birth time-08:36 AM
    place-Bhubaneswar, odisha

    Sir I want to know will I get IPS and in which year??And will I get marry to my desired person and in which direction??what is his starting alphabet?

  • Comment by naganand on July 14, 2016 at 7:40 pm

    Sir can u tell me which planet r beneficial &Malifiec in my horoscope name naganand,DOB 19/12/1980,time:8:11pm place udipi ,karnataka

  • Comment by Pritam on July 26, 2016 at 1:35 pm

    Dob-11-9-1990 birth time-7.45p.m
    Guwahati assam.Dear guruji Priam place let me know my details about my job prospects and success in my life . Which stone need to wear. Regard. Pritam Roy.

  • Comment by Kamesh on July 31, 2016 at 3:31 pm



    1) NAME : KAMESH
    2) GENDER : MALE
    3) BIRTH DATE : 30/04/1981
    4) BIRTH TIME : 11:12 AM

    Iam having very Poor Financial condition with Low salary ?

    Which is the most benefic planet in my Kundali to give me money and financial Gains.


  • Comment by KAUSIK BHATTACHARJEE on August 2, 2016 at 12:03 pm

    3) BIRTH DATE : 08/01/1965
    4) BIRTH TIME : 2PM
    5) BIRTH PLACE : Kolkata

    I am Job less from 06.04.2015.Ileave the job due to non paying of salaries of 18th months.
    When i can get a job and my financial crises will be relief.

  • Comment by mukesh pandey on August 17, 2016 at 11:36 am

    Name : mukesh pandey
    Gender :male
    D.o.b : 22.7.1992
    Place : almora (uttrakhand)
    Time : 13:10
    Prnaam sir ,

    I am going through a very tuff time of my life.since 2016 april I am jobless .starting of this year is quite bitter for me .pls tell me about job & marriage.

  • Comment by Devendea on September 2, 2016 at 5:57 pm

    Myself Devendra
    DOB :- 26/04/1987
    Birth time :- 9:30 AM
    Birth Place :- Shahada, Maharashtra

    I would like to understand beneficial planets & inauspicious planets in my kundali.

    Will be happy, if you can guide me with your strong experience.

  • Comment by Sudip Chandra Dey on September 8, 2016 at 10:00 am

    Name : Sudip Chandra Dey
    Gender :Male
    D.o.b : 20.09.1990
    Place : kolkata(West-Bengal)
    Time : 12.08 PM
    sir ,

    I am going through a very difficult time of my life.since 2013 September i started for govt. job preparation , i have made to final for couple of times but ultimately not happening. Sir what is going on ? please tell me can i able to fetch any govt job ? please help sir . And one more thing , sir please predict my marriage or love life. Thank you in advance.

  • Comment by Raghvendra on September 12, 2016 at 12:19 am

    Ma dob -17-05-1990
    time- 16:50
    birth place-dhamtari ,chatissgarh
    question -1) my malefic planet ?2) i am trying to complete my study…but not able to focus on it….tell me the solution to clear my exams 3) i am quitw reserve and introvert…kindly tell me how to make friends ?

  • Comment by Uma on September 17, 2016 at 5:04 pm

    my date of birth is 12th June.1988

    I want to know my malefic and benific planets.
    can i get government job?

  • Comment by Aditya on October 18, 2016 at 8:43 am

    My son’s name Aditya Fernandez
    Dob: 29.10.2004
    Time: 3:19 pm Bangalore

    Sir, it’s my son details. I want to know about his health, education,future. Going through diff times. Pl guide us. Regards

  • Comment by Jhuma Pyen on November 6, 2016 at 1:09 am

    Sir me Jhuma pyen my dob is 19feb 1986 at 9pm .according my birth chart Saturn mahadasha fall in may2018,is this get bad effect of my family ??

  • Comment by Vipin Chand Tokish on January 11, 2017 at 9:13 am

    I liked this useful tips. But I am confused. Kindly predict my chart which plants will give me strength.

    Name Vipin Chand Tokish
    Date of birth 28 February 1964
    Time 7.55 A.M
    Place of birth Chandigarh – U.T.
    Haryana and Punjab

  • Comment by Kiran on January 14, 2017 at 10:03 pm

    I want to now when I will get married..

  • Comment by Nitin on January 22, 2017 at 10:55 pm

    Hi, I need advise for my career, personal relationship and finances
    DOB 21-07-1977
    Time 09:16 AM
    Place : Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh

  • Comment by sanjeev on February 6, 2017 at 6:28 pm

    Hello Sir,
    I need to know about my career and higher education. I wrongfully left my job couple of months ago. Now going through a very difficult phase. When I will get a new job. Will it be a satisfactory one? When I will enroll for higher education? Providing my details below. Please guide me. Regards.
    Dob – 10/01/1987
    Time- 1:30 AM
    Place- Bhubaneswar, Odisha

  • Comment by RAJANI DAS on April 1, 2017 at 4:07 pm

    TIME OF BIRTH – 11:30:00 PM

  • Comment by Svijaya Luxmi on May 4, 2017 at 8:32 pm

    I have a doubt noone is clarifying properly
    I read ur article so i am.posting this
    For karkata lagna if sukra is in rishabha 11 house with sun budha rahu seen by kuja from 4 place and in kuja s padasara will he do good in his dasa
    Some r telling he will do goo and some r telling because he is in pataga stana he bad in his dasa can u plz clarify my doubt

  • Comment by Liyam on May 17, 2017 at 11:48 pm

    Helo sir,
    Am in relationship last 1.5yr but his rishta confirm somewhere. So I want to know his rishta get cancel? Is our marriage happen? Is he come back?

    My details – 31 /7/1994
    Time – 10:55am
    Place – Amritsar punjab

    His detail – 29/7/1990
    Time – 1:53pm
    Place – Delhi

    Please please tell.

  • Comment by Nirmala on May 26, 2017 at 5:37 pm

    My d.o.b is April 2nd 1983 time 11:00 am place is kurnool, Andhra Pradesh.
    Please tell me do I have any dosha. Give me planetary positions of this

  • Comment by Nagaraju.S on August 25, 2017 at 10:43 pm

    My DOB 24-01-1978, PoB TANUKU, ToB 11:45 AM
    I am going thru Sukra (VENUS) Mahardhasa. I feel Since it starting onwards my career position degraded and getting high difficult in career growth. Is Venus is malefic for my Horoscope and any improvement can i seen at early days.
    Kindly let me know what i need to do for further..


  • Comment by Sameer on February 4, 2018 at 4:22 pm

    Place: Mumbai; Time : 21:50hrs
    Undergoing ketu mahadasha, present in Sagittarius 11th house with Venus antar dasha until dec 18. Shukra is in gemini in 5th house along with Rahu. 5th house aspected by Jupiter, Saturn and Ketu. Saturn in 8th house, Jpiter in 9th house along with mars. Sun in 6th and moon in 10th (scorpio) houses which would be next antardashas.
    Tell me about carieer for present and future antardashas.

  • Comment by Biswajit Das on May 26, 2018 at 12:41 am

    Respected sir , I want to know about my yogas in my natal chart and the benefic and malefic planets too. Want to know about career. D.O.B -28/4/1990. Time- 9.15 am . Place – jaleswar ,odisha. Please help me out…

  • Comment by Srinivas Merugu on July 17, 2018 at 8:55 pm

    Respected sir,
    My dob: 18 sep 1976
    23:55 pm
    Place:Hyderabad .
    Sir i am 41years ,I want to know is marriage is possible in my life .
    And when will I earn good income.

  • Comment by Sutapa Sarkar on September 2, 2018 at 2:36 pm

    my daughter’s date of birth is 18.04.1999,
    time of birth is 11.10 A.M & place of birth is Bhubaneswar, Odisha . what is her benefic & malefic planets in her birth chart. whether she will get job and when? how will be her life partner & her marriage life. kindly mail to me if anything could be done for remedies.

  • Comment by ASISTARU MAITI on November 14, 2018 at 4:39 pm

    My date of birth: 29.09.1953, time: 15.50 hrs at Sabang, Midnapur.

    Respected Guruji,

    I need your advice regarding my rest of life. Till date, I am suffering from a conspiracy of enemies, whether it is in the office or in relatives.

    I am still working in an organization as Asstt. Sales Manager and I have updated myself the modern skill sets for marketing but I find enemies surrounding me. Now my health is not sound because I have expended my energy not only to carry out marketing job, also to combat enemies.

    Kindly give me guidance.

    Thanking you and with the best regards,


  • Comment by J on March 15, 2019 at 3:01 am

    So it means for Gemini there is only one benefic planet? Isn’t that unfair?

  • Comment by shiva on April 6, 2019 at 9:50 am

    Sir I would like to know my benefic and malefic planets.My birth details are 19th October 1985 at 8pm in Trinidad, Chaguanas in the west Indies. I know i am presently in sade shani sati and rahu maha dasha. Can you please give your advice for any grahas or weak planets. Thanks much appreciated. Also 7th house has 3 planets can you advise what will be the effect of this

  • Comment by Anushka Shukla on May 24, 2019 at 11:02 am

    It’s really a good blog but could you tell me my benefic and malefic planets.
    Dob : 16 April 2003
    Time:03:15 pm
    Birthplace: Jabalpur madhya Pradesh India.

  • Comment by Anushka Shukla on June 10, 2019 at 9:43 am

    Below are my birth details
    Time: 03:15pm
    Place of birth: jabalpur
    I want to know that my Saturn is good or bad in 7th house

  • Comment by Sushil kumar singh on June 24, 2019 at 9:34 pm

    Sir my dob is 29-08-1988. Time -9.35pm place ranchi jharkhand.sir can u please tell me that when I will get job. When I will be married.sir plz.

  • Comment by Vijay Akhouri on August 12, 2020 at 8:26 pm

    Sir , what is benafic and malafic signs in astrology

  • Comment by Manikandan on August 20, 2020 at 4:33 pm

    NAME : MANIKANDAN. MY DOB:24/06/1980 TIME: 20:55 pm PLACE: Chennai/TAMILNADU

  • Comment by Kajol Roy on August 29, 2020 at 6:39 am

    PLZ TELL MY BENEFIC AND MALEFIC planets n abt my career
    DOB_ 28/11/1990
    TOB_ 6.30 AM

  • Comment by Bhabani Sankar Sahoo on November 7, 2021 at 10:08 pm

    Dear Guru ji
    My DOB-28th October 1979, Time-9.00PM, Place -Bhubaneswar (Odisha,India)
    in My Kundali ,I did not Understand who is malefic and who is Benefic.
    I always face problem regarding Artharites Disease and Obstacles in my Life.
    My Family life is disturbed and i am far away from my Parents.
    Please Suggest some Remedies.

  • Comment by manoj kumar on January 8, 2022 at 10:10 pm

    DOB- 22 – 12- 1986
    TIme 14.00 (2 PM)
    Place ALigarh UP
    Name – Manoj

    very bad phase of life
    Please guide me below
    JOB or Business?
    Ratna ?
    Isht Dev?
    What to do?

The comments are closed.