This portal is dedicated to Vedic Astrology - Vedanga Jyotish, a science that is deep-rooted in Indian culture, tradition, and philosophy of life.

Budhaditya Yoga

By Kshitij Sharma, January 1, 2007

Budhaditya or Budhaaditya yog is formed when Sun and Mercury join together (i.e. are conjunct) in a house. This yog, in a person’s chart, is said to give lots of talent, success, honour among his/her peers and fame in society.

Mercury is the first planet in the Solar System and is very close to the Sun. As a result, it cannot be more than one sign away from the Sun in the rashi chart. This yog, therefore, appears in a lot of charts, but not all the charts can have the qualities mentioned in the first paragraph.

Any yog materializes only when all the planets involved in the yog are strong. They should be placed well in a chart and also should not themselves be badhakas for the chart, e.g. by being lord of dusthanas. Budhaditya yog is best formed when Sun and Mercury are in signs of Aries, Gemini, Leo and Virgo.

The logic is simple – Aries is exaltation sign for Sun, Gemini and Leo are ruled by Mercury and Sun respectively and Virgo is exaltation/moolatrikona sign for Mercury. It is natural to think that these signs would be more conducive for this yog. In other signs, this yog would not fair that well and would give mixed results. Ownership of Leo by Sun and Gemini and Virgo by Mercury make it a fairly tricky yog. Looking at all the lagnas, it is difficult to find a case both Mercury and Sun are rulers of good houses. Consider the case of Aries lagna where Mercury is a difficult planet as it rules house number three and six at the same time. Sun is an owner of a good house – house number five, but its association with Mercury may not be considered good for the person.

This yog would give good results for Taurus, Leo, Libra and Aquarius lagna. For Sagittarius lagna, Sun and Mercury should be considered auspicious raj-yog karak. Based on Parashari principles, many astrologers might disagree with this observation. They could attribute Mercury to be afflicted because of ownership of two kendra houses at the same time. I am of the opinion that in this case Budhaditya yog still exists.

Apart from house ownership considerations, Mercury should not be extremely close to the Sun. It may be considered combust if it is within six degrees. During the recent transit of Mercury across the solar disc (November 8-9, 2006), Budhaditya yog would get canceled.

I do not know what happens to this yog if Mercury were to be retrograde when conjunct with Sun… I sincerely request an astrologer reading this to consider me a mere student and educate me and other readers of this blog on this matter.

The birth chart application in this site doubles up as a Budhaditya yoga calculator.


  • Comment by Sunil on January 30, 2007 at 7:03 pm

    You have done a commendable job bringing about this website. I had a question on Gaja Yoga(Not Gaja Kesari Yoga). I am told that an alliance I received had this Yoga. What are the advantages that add to me?

  • Comment by Deepak Omprakash Sharma on February 20, 2007 at 5:54 am

    Hello Kshitiji,
    i want to know about when Saturn in 12th houses(Virgo) in Libra lagna , what result will gives in its Maha dasa. TIME OF BIRTH : 13:30 Place : Mumbai
    Date of Birth : 28/07/1982

  • Comment by Sunil samaranayake on February 25, 2007 at 4:04 pm

    Dear Kshitiji,
    You are a wonderful teacher & encourage people to learn this amazing science free, for which you would gain supreme bliss in samsara soon.
    I have Budhaditya yoga in Aquarius, 11th house & my lagna is Aries (ASC 17 degrees 54′).Sun placed at 313 degrees 22′.Mercury placed at 301 degrees 5’& is in retrograde. Please let me know the prediction if by now you are successful in knowing this.

  • Comment by Gorur N. Swamy on March 9, 2007 at 2:18 am

    Dear Sir
    Pl. comment on the birth chart of a boy born on 23rd june 2000 at New Jersy, USA at 2.50 p.m. The boy has budaaditya yoga that too buda in his own sign, he has 4 planets in the 9th house which is considered to be bhagodaya house and also causes Raja yoga. pl. also give the general predicitions of the chart.
    Thanking you
    N. Swamy

  • Comment by rashmikant patel on March 16, 2007 at 6:44 am

    DOB=MAY 12 1957 TIME=04;25 AM PLACE=ADEN (YEMEN)

  • Comment by rashmikant patel on March 16, 2007 at 6:44 am

    DOB=MAY 12 1957 TIME=04;25 AM PLACE=ADEN (YEMEN)

  • Comment by rashmikant patel on March 16, 2007 at 6:44 am

    DOB=MAY 12 1957 TIME=04;25 AM PLACE=ADEN (YEMEN)

  • Comment by Shubh Veer on April 13, 2007 at 10:51 pm

    I know someone with sun conjunct mercury in ascendant sagittarius sign and he achieved fame, success and honour at the age of 27! He’s still very famous and benefits from societal honour. God Bless

  • Comment by Divya Jyoti on April 23, 2007 at 12:57 am

    was just reading this article.
    i dont know how old it is and how this entire blogging system works. but found a question asked here so thought id answer it-the buddha aditya yoga does NOT get cancelled due to the retrogade motion of mercury. in fact even in combustion it gives almost its full effect. mercury does NOT get spoilt by combustion since in transit it is stuck close to the sun at all times-never more than one house before or after. so it forms a special equation with the same. hope that asnwers your question…

  • Comment by sunny on June 1, 2007 at 9:46 am

    hello sir,
    i am having a chandal yog ( conjunction of rahu and guru ) in sixth house in libra and rahu are of meen rashi…what effect do they cause to me in my life i am also having conjunction of venus and saturn in second house…….. plz tell me how will they affect me and my carrer as i am persuing Chartered Accountancy……

  • Comment by Aiyu on December 5, 2007 at 11:46 am

    Greetings, interesting article you have here, so allow me to add my two cents worth 🙂

    I’ve always thought that Budhaditya Yoga would manifest itself effectively only if it’s also located in the 1st, 5th, 7th or 11th house, the logic being that the ‘self’ (1st house or aspect from 7th house) or ‘intelligence’ (5th house or aspect from 11th house) would have to be effected by this yoga.

    Also, the aspects of the person’s life that shall improve would be related to the houses ruled by the planets involved in the yoga. It doesn’t guarantee all-round fame, talent and success. Any other obstruction to this yoga in the form of aspects from other planets or location of sun/mercury at the cusp of a house would effect its quality/strength.

  • Comment by Alok Kumar Pattnaik on December 13, 2007 at 8:49 pm

    hello sir,
    i am having a chandal yog ( conjunction of rahu and guru ) in 7th house in sagitarious and rahu are of sagitarious rashi

  • Comment by rashmi on March 14, 2008 at 4:10 pm

    Kshitij ji,

    thanks for this wonderful article.
    my birth details are
    27-07-1982; 11:50am; meerut (U.P.)
    In my chart, there is budhaditya yog but some body told that budh neech ka hai and for this reason, yog is not favourable to me, also suggested me to wear 5.25 ratti panna.
    If the person is correct and should i follw the instructions.
    Please, advise.


  • Comment by Vishal Gupta on March 24, 2008 at 11:30 pm

    Dear Kshitij SIr,

    Thanks for the Knowledgeable article, dear sir, i would be very obliged if you can tell me about my future i want to be a Cabin Crew, and trying from last 1 & half year, but couldnt make it. From last 3 years my health is very bad, i have lost it very badly, also met with two serious accidents last year.

    Birth Details: 25/01/1983; 09:25 AM; Agra(UP).

    People say that my kundli is very good, but i dont see anything good in my life.

    please reply,


  • Comment by Rishi on April 14, 2008 at 3:21 pm

    Great article. Very succinct yet informative. It’s to the point. I wish more people wrote this clearly.

  • Comment by Arun Kr. Anand on May 7, 2008 at 2:02 pm

    in my horoscope there is guruchandal yog [in my ascendent(lagna) there guru and rahu is present in pisces zodiac]. what is its ill effect and what is its remedy?

  • Comment by Vishal Pasari on June 4, 2008 at 2:30 pm

    Hello sir

    It was gr8 reading your article. sir could you enlighten me on how beneficial this Budhaditya yog could be in libra lagna being in 11th house. my DOB is 20th August 1984, 9:50 am, Place of Birth is Jamshedpur.

    With regards

    Vishal Pasari

  • Comment by kaushik on June 25, 2008 at 4:38 pm

    i have guru,rahu and mercury in the house of meena and from lagna it is 5th house..i have heard that this combination of planet is very i want suggestion that what should i do to remove all this negative affects..


  • Comment by kaushik on July 21, 2008 at 12:26 pm

    i have guru,rahu and mercury in the house of meena and from lagna it is 6th house..i have heard that this combination of planet is very i want suggestion that what should i do to remove all this negative affects..


  • Comment by Parmod sharma on August 3, 2008 at 12:15 am

    Dear sir my d.o.b is 09 10 1984 time is 01:35 am . I could not Express my feeling also i become nervous frequently. Why it is so plz guide.

  • Comment by sunil kabra on August 6, 2008 at 3:30 pm

    dear sir,
    my birth dt-22-03-1965 time-2-56 am place- sikar ( raj). here with tell me about my future when my shukra mahadasha will start and is their any good yog in my horoscope.

  • Comment by mallikarjun on August 11, 2008 at 10:12 pm

    sun and mercury are in the 7th house of my rasi chart .can you please tell me the significance and if malefic remedial sign is sagitarius

  • Comment by suman kumar on August 27, 2008 at 4:12 pm

    Request to c whether Buddha aditya Yoga is there in my kundali and which period it is vibrant .

    DOB:22-08-1981 TOB:18:35 place :khammam,Andhra Pradesh

  • Comment by radha on November 19, 2008 at 2:03 pm

    in my hubby,s kundali.i have sun,mercury.moon in the second place and venus in the third ,saturn,mars,jupiter, rahu and lagna in the 5th place.ketu in the tenth place,what al yogas and doshas do my hubby has

  • Comment by Pradeep on January 19, 2009 at 12:56 pm

    HI ,

    I just woul like to know, will it be benifull if a Budhatya yoga person put emerald gem stone to Ring Finger.

  • Comment by ravi kumar singh on January 21, 2009 at 8:13 pm

    my name is ravi kr. singh and my birth details are as follows:
    19 june 1983
    10:39 a.m.
    place of birth- lucknow, u.p.
    please help me to choose the profession as iam facing a lot of hurdles in my life. my father expired few days back due to which total responsibility is on me. please guide me if possible. also suggest if i shud wear any stone.
    plz help me
    thank you

  • Comment by jayesh on February 11, 2009 at 12:52 pm

    DOB:19 MAY 1983
    11:30 a.m.

    I would like to have more information about my future
    thank you

  • Comment by ashanya pandy on February 13, 2009 at 3:13 pm

    if a person is having budhaditya yog, then which field will be good for him?

  • Comment by Neeraj on March 11, 2009 at 7:27 pm


    I m having sun,merc,saturn,moon in 9th house,
    raashi sagittarius,
    asc-1st house

    sun-merc = 000 CONJ
    moon-sat = 027
    sun-mon = 022
    sun-sat =005 CONJ
    merc-sat =005 CONJ

    what does it says about kind of life i wud have?

    DOB: 22-12-1987
    TOB: 14:15
    POB: Yamunanagar

  • Comment by Rahul on April 30, 2009 at 11:06 am

    My Date Of Birth : 16-09-1979
    Place Of Birth : Gorakhpur,UP, India
    Time Of Birth : 05:15 am

    DO you See the Guru Chandal Yog in My Kundali and Also if possible let me know the ill effects of the Same
    and remedies

  • Comment by Pratik on May 20, 2009 at 2:03 am

    I am having problems in life, no happiness at all, so pls do tell me when will bad period of my life will be over and good period of life will come.

    my Date of Birth 3rd Dec 1988. Time 05:32AM

    Place of birth Jalandhar City, Punjab.

    MY 1st House or lagna Libra And Venus in Libra.
    2nd house Scorpio Sun + Mercury.
    3rd House Sagittarius Saturn.
    5th house Aquarius Rahu.
    6th House Pisces Mars.
    8th House Taurus Jupiter.
    11th house Leo Ketu and 12th house Virgo Moon.

  • Comment by parameshwar on July 9, 2009 at 11:01 am

    Dear Sir,

    In my haroscope, Ravi & Budha are in second house from Lagna. Lagna(Asc) is in Libra. And Moon is in tenth house from Lagna(Asc).

    Ravibudadithya yoga is there? & is it effective?
    Since moon is in tenth house, kemadrama yoga has nutralised?

  • Comment by kuldeep on August 4, 2009 at 4:24 pm


    My Date Of Birth : 18-09-1980
    Place Of Birth : kolhapur,maharastra,India
    Time Of Birth : 10:30 pm

    Please let me my lagna yog

  • Comment by manpreet on August 21, 2009 at 12:16 pm

    my son in laws dob is 30th june 1973 and place of birth is rourkera(orissa) india. time of birth is 17:05. He is having lots of difficulties with his job. kindly suggest some remedies for a better and permanent job

  • Comment by Nishant Sharma on September 20, 2009 at 4:12 pm


    My name is Nishant Sharma DOB 07-06-1978, Place of Birth Hapur(Distt. Ghaziabad), Time of birth 21:20.

    I am struggling in every field of life. I mean no job, no marriage, bad health. Can you suggest something sir ??
    Your reply is eagerly awaited. Is there “Budhaditya” yog in my Kundali and is it helpful..

  • Comment by ashish on September 24, 2009 at 8:06 pm

    my dob is 14 march 1983. Plz tell me abt professional and financial life place of birth 06-30 p.m at radaur haryana.

  • Comment by sj on October 28, 2009 at 9:02 am

    My birth details and time are:
    22-09-1975 at 14:20 in Bhilai.
    I face a lot of problems in my job(mostly back biting, politics etc.)where ever I join. I want to know that will I face such problems always in my job?
    Will I get a job in which I can continue for a long time without much problems? I am worried about my career. Should I change my job stream which suits me.

    People say that I have a Budhaditya yog. Please tell if this yog is effective in my kundali.

    Thanks & Regards,

  • Comment by Preity on October 28, 2009 at 9:33 am

    My dob is 16April 1990 At 06:55pm place jamshedpur plz tell me abt my future ,my carrier.Is their love marraige yog in my will be my husband?plz suggest me

  • Comment by RAGHAVENDRA RAO on January 5, 2010 at 2:42 pm

    hello this is raghavendra rao bron on august 10th 1980 at 11-12 pm, please help me to my astrology for career, marriage and family relationships

  • Comment by magdalena on January 10, 2010 at 11:06 pm

    hi.can u please tell me is it possible that we can be together?i was born 01.04.1982 in wroclaw, poland at boyfriend was born 02.09.1980 in nawashahr, india at approx. 4.30am.i want to know if our horoscops shows possibility of marriage eachother and if yes can be that happy marriage with children and welth for life long wiyhout divorce?

  • Comment by Abhishek on January 20, 2010 at 5:30 pm

    Dear sir, please please tell me whether there is budhaditya yog or some other good or bad yogas in my kundali, i am very confused about my kundali, nobody is able to tell the real thing. pls help me….

    DOB- 9th march 83
    time- 05:45 am
    place – siwan(bihar)

  • Comment by U.yogi on January 28, 2010 at 4:11 am

    hi magdalena

    Though gun match is 22.5 / 36 but….

    shows possibility of marriage eachother … YES
    and if yes can be that happy marriage … NO AS HARMONY & UNDERSTANDING WILL NOT BE THERE
    with children … YES and
    welth for life long wiyhout divorce … NO AS MENTAL COMPATIBILITY IS NOT THERE.


  • Comment by U.yogi on January 28, 2010 at 4:18 am

    Hi Abhishek

    YES it is having. Secondly it is a very fine kundli.

    What’s your worries ??

    List of the yogas are :

    Editor: Removed the list since I am not sure of the source of content.

    — U.Yogi

  • Comment by abhishek on February 13, 2010 at 4:08 pm

    Dear yogi ji,

    Please let me know about the other yogas in my kundli, i will be gratefull to you…

  • Comment by SRIDHAR BV on March 8, 2010 at 10:09 am

    In my Kundali budha,rahu & ravi is in 10th house from Lagna ? But budha is silent(astha). What is the effect?
    Any benefit can I expect. I am already 54years old.

  • Comment by Rahul Ghai on April 6, 2010 at 2:57 pm

    Respected Sir,

    I’m having BudhAditya yoga in my ascendant(capricorn), is it worth any good? I’m vastly interested in trying for Civil Services, will it be an obstacle with Sun being in enemy’s sign. I’m also having exalted Venus in my third house and Jupiter in fourth house and Moon in tenth house
    possibly forming a GajaKesari yoga. Also Mars is in it’s own rasi in Lagna kundali. In Navamansha there’s Maha Parivartana Yoga taking place between Jupiter(2nd house) & Mars(1st house).

  • Comment by U.Yogi on April 24, 2010 at 3:09 am

    Dear Rahul

    Yes. And you will get success in Civil services.


  • Comment by bhaskar on May 4, 2010 at 4:33 pm

    respected guruji
    i have a budhadithya at tula lagna itself and also shani at 3 house ie at dhanas what are its effects please tell me.

  • Comment by Madhuri on May 7, 2010 at 5:31 pm

    Hello Sir!

    My DOB: 21-4-1978
    Since 2003,I’ve been having strange fears.And every alternate year it wud repeat for a week or so with higher degree of fear.Like in 2005,2007 and last yr 2009.It was very severe for about 6 months.Plz help me understand what’s wrong with me.Or do i have any doshas.I have 2 small kids.I can’t go on like this
    Any remedies?plz i wud really appreciate it.

    Thank u

  • Comment by HEMRAJ on May 9, 2010 at 1:06 pm

    DATE OF BIRTH 30-06-1984


  • Comment by sivakumar on May 13, 2010 at 9:25 pm

    My DOB: 18-6-1985
    TOB: 6:23 pm
    POB:amalapuram (andhra pradesh).

    I would like to know about any business aspects that may exist in my life, as i possess maha dhana yoga , and also budhadhitya and others..
    when can i have permanent job and any chances to go abroad , in my future ?

    Pls. let me know.
    Thankful to the service.

  • Comment by Anu on May 17, 2010 at 12:54 pm

    Dear Sir,

    Appreciate if you could kindly let me know if my partners horoscope indicates any multiple marriages?

    DOB : 26.08.1983
    TOB : 16.05 Hrs
    BP : Matara, Sri Lanka
    Gender : Male

    Many Thanks in advance!!!!

  • Comment by Aparna Dayal Thakur on June 5, 2010 at 9:50 pm

    My Birth Date:- 22nd February, 1988
    Birth Time:- 9:20 A.M.
    Birth Place:- Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

  • Comment by riti on July 28, 2010 at 3:32 pm

    i hv consulted astrologer n came to know that i hv a budaditya yog n will achieve lots of success.i have a very good education but i tried a lot for a job couldnt get one.when will i get a job as m getting married in november.i m very worried.
    date is 1st oct 1984
    time 5:49am
    place jamshedpur

  • Comment by Dr AWAKASH ANJAN on August 4, 2010 at 4:48 pm

    sir i am a dentist and have a private clinic. born on 24/25 1:16am in bokaro. i have budhaditya yog in my palm. which stones would be favourable for me. i am married on 09 feb 2009. my wife name is Dr ANAMIKA. she too is a dentist. thankyou sir.

  • Comment by jamuna rao on August 5, 2010 at 5:47 pm

    my son date of birth 11th october 1995 place of birth bangalore morning wednesday 7 45 minitues am.his horscope is like this lagna in tula venus mars rahu scropio jupiter kumba vakra saturn mesha moon ketu virgo mercury sun please answer me now my son is 10th stanatd how is his result future waht type educn for suit him now his dasa is moon dasa rahu period. i am worrying about his edun, and job his wealth.

  • Comment by Venkat on August 24, 2010 at 4:46 pm

    As per my knowledge, my son got gajakesari yoga and Hamsa yoga. His DOB :17-05-2008, TOB:3:14, POB: Hyderabad, India. Please can you confirm.

    Venus in Aries
    Mercury and sun in Taurus
    Mars and Ketu in cancer
    Saturn in Leo
    moon in Virgo
    Jupiter in Sagittarius
    Rahu in Capricorn

  • Comment by gaurav on September 8, 2010 at 12:08 pm

    hello sir ,
    please help me and tell me what kind of good and bad yogas are there in my kudli.
    my details are:
    time:22:12 pm
    date of birth:13/01/1979

  • Comment by jamuna rao on September 8, 2010 at 10:26 pm

    my son date of birth is 1995 october 11th morning 7 45 am at bangalore’ his lagna tula venus rahu mars. scropio jupiter. r.saturn in kumba moon ketu in mesha ravi r.mercury in virgo. pl tell me for his education and married life and wealth. pl pl any fees i will pay

  • Comment by rudra on November 28, 2010 at 9:19 pm

    time 5.47 am
    date 21st april 1989
    amreli gujarat

    budhaditya yog in 2nd house in aries
    is it good?

  • Comment by SnehalKumar on April 30, 2012 at 11:28 am

    I have a rahu guru chandal yoga in 6th house, We did rahu guru chandal yoga jap for that but since last 3 years i am jobless and doing only some freelancing, not able to find proper business and depressed. Last month on 26th my father passed away. I request you kindly guide me, My detail is as under.

    Time of Birth is 2 am
    Date of Birth is 18th October, 1972,
    Place of Birth is Ahmedabad ( Gujarat – India)

  • Comment by Rammohandas on October 10, 2012 at 6:26 pm

    Hi Sir,

    This is Rammohandas , My baby was born on 2nd sept. 2012 (02-09-2012) at khammam, andhrapradesh. @ 8:10pm.

    1. what is the starting name of the letter
    2. which name is suitable as with numarology
    3. which study she’s like
    4. how is health and wealth

    please give the details of my new born baby.
    thanking you sir

    Rammohan Das Pandy

  • Comment by Rammohandas on October 10, 2012 at 6:58 pm

    I’m doing computer sales and servicing business but, business is too dull . please give me which business is suitable me
    my details

    Date: 16-04-1974
    Time 7:30 am
    Place : Jaggayyapet ( Anhdrapradesh )
    please save me

  • Comment by Nitin on November 9, 2012 at 12:35 pm

    Sir i faced many problems at present my buisness not give as well as i want also my mother passes away suddenly what can i do plz tell me what are the reasons behind it also i feel lonly my details are dob :05 -10- 1972 6:22 am place of birth KANPUR

  • Comment by BISHWANATH AGARWAL on December 27, 2012 at 7:26 pm

    in lagna surya and budha kindly tell me why i am in fianance problem

  • Comment by BISHWANATH AGARWAL on December 27, 2012 at 7:32 pm

    SURYA AND BUDHA IN LAGNA any remedy would you like to suggest sir kindly everybody saying i am very lucky now I AM OF 55 YEARS OLD

  • Comment by vin on April 10, 2013 at 3:12 am

    Hi there!
    read your good!
    But one question….what about um.. sun in leo (9th house), mercury in virgo (9th house – exaltation) with scorpio lagna…does the budhaditya yoga still hold good here? 🙁
    plz tell me! “_”

  • Comment by neha on April 14, 2013 at 4:48 pm

    mujhe job kab milegi.meri shaadi kab hogi aur love marrige hogi ya arrenged.
    dob— 16.07.1994
    time— 06:55
    place— lucknow(up)

  • Comment by Amit sharma on July 13, 2013 at 1:11 pm

    In my janam kundli budh adtiya yoga in birthlagan with 11 house ,,,and my ascedent is aquarius .

  • Comment by abhay tiwari on August 31, 2013 at 12:57 pm

    budha & sun is together in a 11TH house in my kundli but the mercury is asth, so will it consider as a BUDHAADITYA YOG. IT IS GOOD OR BAD FOR ME?
    SUN 11′
    MERCURY 15′

  • Comment by GOUTAM SAUDAGAR on January 17, 2014 at 9:51 pm

    my details. d.o.b 20/06/1965.t.o.b 03-25a.m. place kolkata.westbengal.india. my janam kundali is sun,mercury,venus in 2nd house,ascendant is virgo.but iam still now facing finacial problem,dont settele my life,so i not know my life.kindly give me answer in my life and budhaditya yoga.

  • Comment by sameer on February 15, 2014 at 12:33 am

    my dob 23/05/1987, time 3.10 pm, place- bahraich (U.P)
    I have faced many problems in my life regarding my studies.From 2009-2013 I feel some relax in my computer engineering graduation.Now this time i m searching for a good job. When will I got the job.Again I have to face problems in my life?Please answer, if there is any solution please answer.

  • Comment by vipul on February 27, 2014 at 4:27 pm

    my dob 23/03/1984, time 11:55 pm, place virpur (gujrat).i have budh aditya yoga in 5th place, and my lagna is vrischika. i didnt fount any support with my father. i have working with computer hardware. i have faced many problems in my life since three year. what should i do? plz give me suggetions .

  • Comment by Sada Siva Mohan on March 11, 2014 at 7:08 pm

    my dob 09/07/1974 time 12.45 p.m., (afternoon) place Srungavarapukota (Vizianagaram Dist) Andhra Pradesh., i have budh aditya yoga in 9th house sun, mercury with saturn also tula lagnam kumba rasi., i cleared my father debts nearly 12 lakhs now i am asking the money now he was told i am noware concern debts., i face critical finacial problems., in business also lot of debts., plz give good suggestions

  • Comment by sunita mazumder on March 21, 2014 at 10:46 am

    I sunita am meen rashi and lagna is also same in my kundali 8th house sun and mercury, I will come in financialy strong in my lifr.

    Kindly , please give the answer.

  • Comment by priyanka rathod on May 25, 2014 at 10:55 am

    Birthdate 17/11/1986, birth time 05:05 pm, place Beed,Maharashtra. Want to know which shubh yog formed in my kundali..and Wat is the meaning of that yog..Janma rashi vrushabh, lagna rashi Mesh..

  • Comment by Reena on May 26, 2014 at 4:42 pm

    Hello Sir,
    My daughter’s dob is 15.12.87,time 11.58am,place Ranchi. Want to know if Buddhaaditya Yog is effective in her case.Moreover when will she get a good match for marriage.

  • Comment by dr shikha on June 4, 2014 at 11:56 am

    Hello sir,
    My dob is 4.7.90
    Time 2:42am on 3rd july so dats 4th july 90.
    Place is old delhi.
    What about my govt job wen will i get? My career? Will i do my post graduation and wen in my homoeopthy ? Also tell about my marriage yog wen will marriage occur and what is the best time to do marriage. Is there any problem after marriage? What planets are weak at present. and what are the remedies for that. Shani sadesati if present? And tillwhen will it be present.?
    Waiting for sooner rply.
    Dr shikha.

  • Comment by Pinki Deb on August 9, 2014 at 10:45 pm

    My DOB- 18/8/1983 . POB – UDAIPUR (TRIPURA. INDIA ) TOB – 1:59 pm (noon). I want to know about my future . Whether can I able to be stable in my life and is there any chance of business in my horoscope , Is there any malefic jog in my horoscope. Please guide me Sir.

  • Comment by Yash on September 13, 2014 at 10:14 am

    My DOB- 5/12/1988 POB – Patna (Bihar . INDIA ) TOB – 8:30 Am want to know about my future . Whether can I able to be stable in my life and is there any chance of business in my horoscope , is there any yog in my kundali

  • Comment by saurabh saxena on July 19, 2015 at 9:58 am

    dob-11/06/83, Time-11:35am. Place-bareilly(up). Plz tell me about my future.

  • Comment by jyoti on August 5, 2015 at 8:47 pm

    swami ji ….if both husband and wife have kal sarpa yoga what happend?……………..

  • Comment by Kshitij Sharma on August 7, 2015 at 7:04 pm

    Jyoti, kalsarpa yoga affects only the person. It does not cross over its effect from husband to wife and they live their own lives. Afterwards, the affects of Kalsarpa yoga will wear off in their late 30s and 40s.

  • Comment by nira on August 14, 2015 at 5:24 pm

    my dob is 26.01.1987 6.20 am.
    how is my future.

  • Comment by lakhbir singh on August 18, 2015 at 12:21 am

    Plz predict on person born on 7th of june 1978 at 7pm in bombay
    Name starting with l

  • Comment by Vijita Srivastava on February 17, 2016 at 9:18 pm

    When will i get married? My dob is 30th april 1987 .Time-18:15…..Place: bareilly, uttar pradesh.

  • Comment by aman jain on June 29, 2016 at 6:02 am

    I want to know about my gajkeasri yoga and bhudaditya yoga(in 12th in enemy taurus sign does it applicable or not).parivartan yoga between 1 and 12th house Lord side effect
    Aman jain
    7:40 am
    Sagar (madhya pradesh )

  • Comment by Akhil Kiran Rath on November 14, 2016 at 9:12 pm

    Sir namasta
    I want to know Buddha is 21 degree and surya is 11 degree in kumba rasi 5th position and guru 16 degree in 11th position in my horoscope. Is Buddhaditya yoga will happen ?

  • Comment by Akhil Kiran Rath on November 18, 2016 at 3:55 pm

    And my lagna is tula

  • Comment by Piyush Jalan on January 9, 2017 at 10:53 pm

    Radha Radha
    I want to know about iron business,wealth,mental,peace and stone/ring
    Time:06:43 am

  • Comment by BISWA PRATIM BORUAH on February 18, 2017 at 10:11 pm

    My Janma lagna is tula…janma 7.12 pm me hua tha…mera future kya hoga

  • Comment by Vishwajeet on May 31, 2017 at 11:30 am

    Dear Sir,
    My DOB is 16-Nov-1984, time: 20:40 Hrs, Place – Deoria (U.P.). Kindly suggest me gemstone suitable for me. Some told me to wear green emerald. Kindly tell me whether green emerald is good or not and if good what color and how much ratti should I wear.

  • Comment by Vijay on August 5, 2017 at 11:33 am

    Sir I want to know my budha aditya yoga . My DOB.( JUNE 1ST 1985 5:30 AM..).. Adilabad.. ANDHHRAPRADESH.. TAURUS asendent…..LIBRA MOON SIGN.. IN asendent sun and mercury conjunction 7.5• Digress.. mars in gemini. Ketu and saturn in LIBRA. Jupiter in copricorn…venus and rahu in 12 th house aries.. kindly tell me it is Budha aditya yogam

  • Comment by GIRISHA H R on December 31, 2017 at 3:05 pm

    My chart Mercury and sun in 10 the house. is it raj yog

  • Comment by Bondita on April 12, 2018 at 11:03 pm

    hello sir, i have budh aditya yoga amala yoga adhi yoga maha yoga in chart. my DOB is 5th march 1991, Sivasagar(12 noon), Assam. Sun sign libra moon Pisces.Please explain my chart to me.

  • Comment by Zorion on July 25, 2018 at 2:26 pm

    Sir , i want to know about my budha aditya yoga .. My dob is 1st December 1995 .. 10.12 am friday ….kollam .. kerala … Can u plz explain my chart to me ….

  • Comment by Priya Ranjan Mallick on March 7, 2020 at 11:52 pm

    My Birth Details are as Follows .

    04.35 AM
    District Headquarters Hospital , Keonjhar (Odisha)

    Extremely Troubled in my Present Job . When will be I Able to Switch Over ? And Gemstone Recommendation for me .

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