This portal is dedicated to Vedic Astrology - Vedanga Jyotish, a science that is deep-rooted in Indian culture, tradition, and philosophy of life.

Guestbook Removed

By Kshitij Sharma, March 13, 2007

Dear Readers,

I have decided to remove the guestbook feature from the site because I was getting spammed from all corners and had to spend around an hour every day cleaning all the junk postings. Unlike the WordPress, this system had no good mechanism to filter out the spam.

If you want to get in touch, you know the email address – vedic dot astrology [at] gmail dot com.


  • Comment by Bijay Mishra on April 17, 2007 at 7:02 pm

    dear sir kindly do a prediction for me as i had requested you .I shall be ever grateful.Regards
    I was born on 30 December 1958 at PURI,Orissa,India.The time of Birth is 10.03 A.M.Gender-male. am also going through sade sati of saturn and i have been told that Rahu mahadasha is starting from april.I am following the interpretations /predictions offered at this forum and am happy that such a wonderful service is provided.Will it be possible for you to be kind enough to advise me my future and career ?I infact wanted to know about my career more especially in coming years i.e about promotional chances.I shall be grateful for the kind help.with regards.

  • Comment by art insurance on October 4, 2010 at 5:00 am

    dear sir kindly do a prediction for me as i had requested you .I shall be ever grateful.Regards
    I was born on 30 December 1958 at PURI,Orissa,India.The time of Birth is 10.03 A.M.Gender-male. am also going through sade sati of saturn and i have been told that Rahu mahadasha is starting from april.I am following the interpretations /predictions offered at this forum and am happy that such a wonderful service is provided.Will it be possible for you to be kind enough to advise me my future and career ?I infact wanted to know about my career more especially in coming years i.e about promotional chances.I shall be grateful for the kind help.with regards.

  • Comment by BKMishra on October 9, 2010 at 1:51 pm

    dear sir kindly do a prediction for me as i had requested you .I shall be ever grateful.Regards
    I was born on 30 December 1958 at PURI,Orissa,India.The time of Birth is 10.03 A.M.Gender-male. am also going through sade sati of saturn and i have been told that Rahu mahadasha is starting from april.I am following the interpretations /predictions offered at this forum and am happy that such a wonderful service is provided.Will it be possible for you to be kind enough to advise me my future and career ?I infact wanted to know about my career more especially in coming years i.e about promotional chances.I shall be grateful for the kind help.with regards.

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