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Mesha Sankranti Chart 2017

By Kshitij Sharma, April 16, 2017

The Mesha Sankranti chart for chart drawn for Indian capital New Delhi at 1.32.19 hours on April 14th 2017 does not paint a nice picture. This is a Makara lagna chart, which lagna lord Saturn sitting in inauspicious 12th house. According to Shri Bepin Behari, off all the locations of lagna lord within dusthanas, 12th house location is the worst since it adds an element of self doubt and activities that can harm oneself. In political parlance, these are called “self-goals”. This squanders some of the good chance given by the new year chart.

It is important to note that these are two different charts, but the overall effect will be a balance and mix of the two. There will certainly be confusion and contradictions in the mind of leaders during this year. Please note that I am not using the phrase “self destruction” and using mild “self goal” since this is a vargottama chart. In navamsha, Saturn is in friendly Taurus. Mars, the lagna lord of new year chart is in Taurus in this chart – sign indicating business mindedness and grounded reality and is exalted in Capricorn in this chart.

I will go in details of this chart in some time, but want to quickly point out that the position of Rahu is inauspicious in this chart. Rahu in authoritative sign in this horoscope and in 8th house indicates my way or highway attitude.

Moon is in Libra, but almost at the end of the sign. It is inching towards it worst debilitation of 3degree Scorpio. Insensitivity at the surface and shyness and introversion is the hallmark of this placement. This placement occurs in 10th house in the chart indicative of overall reputation of the state.

I will update the post shortly with further details.

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