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Monthly Predictions May 2019

By Kshitij Sharma, April 23, 2019

The monthly horoscope for May 2019 is presented for you based on the moon sign, i.e. janma rashi in your horoscope, based on the Vedic niryana system. Please do not substitute your Sun sign or a western astrology moon sign here. If you do not know your janma rashi, please refer to the kundali application on this page. 8th house presence for Chandra is called Chandrashtama and is a period of grave caution. These dates are indicated. The dates for caution on the financial matter are also indicated. People with a particular janma rashi should avoid dealing in financial matters on these dates, e.g. investment of property, the stock market, giving and taking loans should be avoided.

The planetary positions for the month of May 2019 are as follows:


  • Sun is in Aries at the beginning of the month and then moves to Taurus on 15th May.
  • Mercury will be close to Sun.
  • In Taurus, Jupiter will be opposite Sun.


  • Mars will be in Taurus during the 1st week of May and will then move to Gemini.
  • Saturn and Ketu will be opposite Mars during Gemini transit.
  • Rahu will be conjunct Mars.


  • Mercury will be in Pisces for the first three days and then will move to Aries. Aries transit will get over in just two weeks and then Mercury will move to Taurus on 19th of May.
  • Jupiter and Mercury will be in opposition after 19th of May.


  • Jupiter is retrograde moving through Scorpio.
  • Jupiter and Mercury will be in opposition after 19th of May.


  • Venus is in Pisces till 10th of May and then moves to Aries.
  • Jupiter aspects Venus during the first part of the month, during Pisces transit.


  • Saturn is transiting through Sagittarius.
  • Saturn will be retrograde from April 30th through September 18th 2019.
  • Ketu and Saturn are together in Sagittarius.
  • Initially Mars has 8th house aspect on Saturn and then they will be in opposition.


  • Rahu/Ketu continue their transit through the Gemini/Sagittarius axis.
  • Ketu and Saturn are together in Sagittarius.
  • Mars and Rahu will be in conjunction.

Horoscope for May 2019 for Moon sign Aries : Mesha Janma Rashi

Sun transits through a 1st followed by another inauspicious 2nd house. Saturn is going through an inauspicious 9th house transit. Mars is going through a manglik 2nd house, followed by an auspicious 3rd house transit. Jupiter’s transit through the 8th house is not favourable. Rahu is going through an auspicious 3rd house transit; at the same time, Ketu is going through an unfavourable 9th house transit. Venus transits through a favourable 12th followed by a favourable 1st house transit. Mercury is transiting through an unfavourable 1st house, followed by a favourable 1st. It will be a below average month in the first half, while the 2nd half of the month will be better as there are no vedhas to cause obstruction.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: During this month, you will be egotistical and your language will be rude towards others. This has to be controlled well as both fiery planets – Sun and Mars can cause problems in relationships. A control on sarcastic remarks can help with romance. Also, ensure that you are not making false promises to people around you.

Travel: Short travels are indicated. They may not show the desired results in the first half. Travels with respect to learning something new will be beneficial during the 2nd part of the month.

Health: Physiological health problems are indicated in the chest area. Anxiety related problems can occur during the first half of the month and can push you towards addictions. During the second part of the month, be careful while doing exercises, as chances of injuries are higher.

Finance, Business & Job: There can be a misunderstanding with authority. The situation will be better during the 2nd part of the month when you will be capable of handling tough negotiations and vigorous mental work. At the same time, the company of corrupt people should be avoided. Be careful in giving loans to others, as recovery may be a problem. Investments in unknown areas must be avoided. The second part of the month will be a helpful and auspicious time for students appearing for competitive exams.

Chandrashtama days: 19-May, 20-May

Days to be cautious about finances: 1-May, 2-May, 6-May, 7-May, 28-May, 29-May, 30-May

Horoscope for May 2019 for Moon sign Taurus : Vrishabha Janma Rashi

Sun goes through an inauspicious 12th house, followed by another inauspicious 1st house transit. Jupiter is now going through an auspicious 7th house transit. Saturn is going through an inauspicious 8th house transit. Mars is going through inauspicious 1st and 2nd (manglik) house transits. Mercury moves through an inauspicious 12th house transit followed by an auspicious 1st house transit. Rahu and Ketu are moving through the 2/8 axis. The transits of Lagna lord Venus through the 12th and 1st houses are favourable. The second half of the month will be better than the first.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: The tendency during the month will be to take care of yourself first and then think about others. Rash and fiery nature will add to this tendency. This can cause disputes with those around you and can result in unnecessary quarrels. The situation will be better during the second half, where misunderstandings can be resolved.

Travel: Plan for travels during the second part of the month. The first half is not favourable for results obtained during the journeys.

Health: Eye problems and stomach issues are indicated during the first part of the month. You should also be careful with injuries in the lower part of the body and infections, especially during the first half. During the second part, be careful with fatigue, anxiety.

Finance, Business & Job: Expenditure will be high during the month, especially during the second half. There can be misunderstanding and displeasure from authorities. Keep away from actions that can attract fines. Better path during this period will be to take it easy and maintain work-life balance, rather than slogging it out at the place of work. Spend money on your loved ones.

Chandrashtama days: 21-May, 22-May

Days to be cautious about finances: 3-May, 4-May, 5-May, 8-May, 9-May, 31-May

Horoscope for May 2019 for Moon sign Gemini : Mithuna Janma Rashi

Sun will be going through a favourable 11th and then an unfavourable 12th house transit. Mars is transiting through a manglik 12th house, followed by 1st house transit. Saturn’s transit is through adverse 7th house transit, which is a difficult one called adhayia shani. Mercury is going through a favourable 11th house transit followed by an unfavourable 12th house. The 10th house transit of Venus is unfavourable, but then the 11th house transit will be favourable. Both of Rahu’s and Ketu’s transits are unfavourable. Jupiter’s transit through the 6th house is unfavourable. It is an average month, mainly because transits are both favourable and unfavourable.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: The first part of the month will bring auspicious events at home. It is also a good time to meet up with people from the opposite sex for an alliance. The second part of the month is not that great where you can get into disputes with others. Friends and relatives can get dejected with your behaviour during this period. Misunderstanding can be created due to your attitude of keeping secrets.

Travel: Journeys are indicated, but they can wear you out. Travel to foreign countries will continue to be beneficial.

Health: The health will be during the first half. Problems with digestion, sleep disorders can bother you. During the second part, you should be careful with eye afflictions as well. Mood swings can also occur.

Finance, Business & Job: You should try to finish your projects during the first part of the month. The second half will not be helpful and new ventures will not work out. There can be entanglement in criminal cases as well where trouble can come through secret enemies. Do not be very aggressive at the place of work and try to take the middle path. Expenditure on articles of luxury for yourself and your family is indicated.

Chandrashtama days: 23-May, 24-May, 25-May

Days to be cautious about finances: 6-May, 7-May, 10-May, 11-May

Horoscope for May 2019 for Moon sign Cancer : Karka Jamna Rashi

Sun is going through an auspicious 10th followed 11th house in transit. Mars moves through an auspicious 11th house (but with a vedha by Jupiter) and then a manglik 12th house. Venus would be in the positive transit through an auspicious 9th house, but Mars causes vedha. The transit of Venus during the second half is inauspicious. Mercury is going through favourable 10th and 11th houses. Saturn is moving through the favourable 6th house, but Venus causes vedha in the first half. Rahu’s transit through the 12th house is inauspicious, but Ketu’s transit through the 6th house is auspicious. The 5th house transit of Jupiter is positive.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: As far as the relationship with others is concerned, the period is good. You will have the strength and support to deal with others and to have them help you. The second half of the month can be bad for relationships. It will be time to research your goals and reflect upon your past actions.

Travel: Long distance travel is indicated. Not much can be accomplished during this period.

Health: Physiological health will be good throughout the first half of the month. Mental worries, sleep disorders can affect you negatively during the second half of the month.

Finance, Business & Job: During the month, projects can be accomplished and new ventures will work out. There will be increased knowledge and financial gains as well. You may still feel that you are not getting the right credit for your work and that enemies are prevailing over you. Remember, this dejection is your state of the mind and may not be the reality.

Chandrashtama days: 26-May, 27-May

Days to be cautious about finances: 6-May, 7-May, 10-May, 11-May

Horoscope for May 2019 for Moon sign Leo : Simha Janma Rashi

Jupiter’s unfavourable 4th house transit is in progress. Sun is going through an inauspicious 9th house followed by an auspicious 10th house. Mars is moving through an adverse 10th house transit. This is followed by a favourable 11th house transit in the second half, however, there is a vedha of Saturn. Venus is moving through an auspicious 8th house followed by another auspicious 9th house transit, but Mars causes vedha in the second half. Mercury moves through an inauspicious 9th house, followed by 10th house. Saturn’s 5th house transit is unfavourable. Rahu/Ketu are in 11/5 axis, which indicates favourable and unfavourable transits respectively, but Saturn has long term vedha on Rahu. Although transits are favourable in the second half, there will be problems with obstructions, mainly due to fear of something new and procrastination.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: The first half of the month indicates that you can get into problems with your mentors and gurus. These can be due to ego issues and a stubborn attitude. The month is a good time for romance if you can pay attention to your spouse. Gains through friends is indicated during the second part of the month. Family members will cooperate with you as well.

Travel: During the first part of the month, religious travels will bring happiness.

Health: Physiological health will be good during the second part of the month. During the first part, you will be moody and stubborn. This can indicate stress and anxiety related problems.

Finance, Business & Job: Alignment with superiors and coworkers will be difficult during the first part of the month. The situation will improve during the second half. Recklessness is indicated throughout the month, but it can yield problems during the first part of the month, while it can yield results during the second half. Play your game with patience and thoughtfulness. A gain of money through financial institutions is indicated during the first part of the month. Increase in the value of your landed property or building a house is also indicated. One can take up interiors work in the house as well.

Chandrashtama days: 1-May, 2-May, 28-May, 29-May, 30-May

Days to be cautious about finances: 10-May, 11-May, 14-May, 15-May, 16-May

Horoscope for May 2019 for Moon sign Virgo : Kanya Janma Rashi

For Virgo rashi borns, Saturn’s transit through 4th is adverse. Mars is transiting through an adverse 9th house, followed by another inauspicious 10th house transit. Jupiter is going through an inauspicious 3rd house transit. Sun’s transit houses are two inauspicious 8th and 9th houses respectively. Rashi lord Mercury will be going through a favourable 8th house, followed by an inauspicious 9th house transit. Venus is going through an adverse 6th house transit, followed by a favourable 8th house transit. Rahu/Ketu axis is going through 10/4 transit.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: There will be altercations with the spouse which will lead to problems in the domestic environment. By the second half of the month, your fiery gaze will shift to your father. You need to be less egotistical and recognize the need of others.

Travel: It is a good time for travel, especially in the second half. Conversations and communications with foreigners can yield something positive.

Health: You will be susceptible to eye illnesses, sunstroke, etc. Continuous anxiety can lead to the danger of heart disease.

Finance, Business & Job: Disagreements with authorities is the flavour of the season for you, who can block the flow of money (payments, loans) to you. Be careful with unethical behaviour from others that can potentially harm you, for example, a govt official harassing for you for bribes. Especially in the second half of the month, you can come under the wrong radar of competitors at the place of work who can falsely accuse of wrongdoings. Business partners will be useful in the second part of the month.

Chandrashtama days: 3-May, 4-May, 5-May, 31-May

Days to be cautious about finances: 12-May, 13-May, 17-May, 18-May

Horoscope for May 2019 for Moon sign Libra : Tula Janma Rashi

Sun is going through an inauspicious 7th house followed another inauspicious 8th house transit. Saturn is going through an auspicious 3rd house transit. Jupiter is going through an auspicious 2nd house transit. Rashi lord Venus is going through two inauspicious transits – 6th and 7th. Mercury is going through an inauspicious 7th house transit, followed by an auspicious 8th house transit; but Jupiter causes vedha in the second half. Mars is going through a favourable 6th house transit. Rahu is going through an unfavourable 9th house transit, while Ketu through a favourable 3rd house transit.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: Throughout the month, the domestic environment can be adverse due to unnecessary arguments between couples at home. There can be problems with neighbours as well. If the 7th house in your horoscope has malefic drishti, such transits can indicate the start of extra-marital relations. You need to work with your spouse to ensure that communication channels are always open and that important points of the relationship are discussed in detail.

Travel: Long distance travel can bring luck during the second part of the month.

Health:  Fever, accidents and food poisoning can occur. Problems of the urinary tract are also indicated. Your spouse and children may also suffer due to illness.

Finance, Business & Job: This is an awful month to communicate with your partners in business. You also need to stay below the radar at the place of work, especially during the first half. During the second half, you need to ensure that your stubbornness does not lead you to a difference of opinion with everyone around you. You can be a victim of unethical behaviour by others.

Chandrashtama days: 6-May, 7-May

Days to be cautious about finances: 14-May, 15-May, 16-May, 19-May, 20-May

Horoscope for May 2019 for Moon sign Scorpio : Vrishchika Jamna Rashi

Saturn’s transit through 2nd from your janma rashi is the last part of sadhe sati going on for you. Jupiter’s 1st house transit is adverse. Rashi lord Mars is going through two manglik transits – the 7th and the 8th. Mercury is going through an auspicious 6th house transit followed by an adverse 7th house transit. Venus is going through a favourable 5th followed by an unfavourable 6th house transit. Sun will move through a favourable 6th house followed by an unfavourable 7th house transit. Rahu/Ketu are going through the 8th and the 2nd houses respectively.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: The first half indicates that the overall atmosphere at home will be good. At the same time, manglik transits can cause altercations between couples, leading to disharmony. The overall atmosphere at home can become vitiated in the second half. There can be problems with neighbours as well. Problems with in-laws can also occur. Communication is not your strong point, but you need to be careful with it during the month, especially during the first half.

Travel: There can be accidents and theft during travels. Be careful.

Health: Illness to children is indicated. Symptoms of heart problems should not be ignored. The second half of the month will be better for health. You will be afraid of something at the place of work and this will affect health negatively.

Finance, Business & Job: Try to start with all your important projects during the 1st half of the month. During the second half, there will not be any help from others. You need to be careful with adversaries and be compromising in your attitude. Otherwise, there can be problems with partners and can eventually lead to legal problems. Be careful such that others do not cause humiliation at the place of work. The second half of the month is not a good time to take a loan, else you will get stuck with it.

Chandrashtama days: 8-May, 9-May

Days to be cautious about finances: 17-May, 18-May, 21-May, 22-May

Horoscope for May 2019 for Moon sign Sagittarius : Dhanu Janma Rashi

Saturn’s transit through Sagittarius indicates that Sagittarians are going through the 1st house sadhe sati. The Jupiter 12th house transit is adverse. Sun is going through an unfavourable transit in the 1st half, but the 6th house transit in the 2nd half would be favourable. Mars’ transit through the 6th house is favourable, but the 7th house transit is an unfavourable, manglik one. Mercury will be moving through an inauspicious 5th house followed by an auspicious 6th house transit. Venus moves through favourable 4th and 5th houses. Rahu/Ketu transit is operating from 7/1 axis.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: Spend time with your children and do not let them feel neglected. Spend some time with your spouse too. The first half of the month is negative when it comes to maintaining relationships. At the same time, transits allow for chance meetings with members of the opposite sex. The second half of the month is favourable and mental peace will be obtained. It will be a good time for rest and recreation. The couple hoping for a child will be able to have a successful conception.

Travel: There are no indications about travel during the 1st part of the month. Accidents, thefts can occur during travels in the 2nd part of the month.

Health: Physiological health will be good during the month. While the 1st half of the month indicates laziness and unstable disposition, the second half is relatively stress free. Be careful with oily and spicy food throughout the month.

Finance, Business & Job: Authorities related to money, e.g., income tax officials can cause some anxiety during the first half. Competitors can also cause you stress. The second part of the month is better, but scandals, conflicts may still bother you. There will be help from the authorities. You will face obstructions and opposition at the place of work, but you should be able to come out on top.

Expenditure will be high due to spending on yourself, either on travel or comfort or on articles of luxury.

Chandrashtama days: 10-May, 11-May

Days to be cautious about finances: 19-May, 20-May, 23-May, 24-May, 25-May

Horoscope for May 2019 for Moon sign Capricorn : Makara Janma Rashi

Saturn is going through the 12th house and the sadhe sati is in its first phase. Jupiter is transiting through the 11th house auspicious transit, which will help balance the sadhe sati. Sun’s transits through the 4th and the 5th house transits, both of which are adverse. Mars is transiting through an inauspicious 5th house transit, followed by an auspicious 6th house transit. Venus is transiting through a favourable 4th and 5th houses. Mercury is transiting through a favourable 4th, followed by an unfavourable 5th house transit. Rahu/Ketu axis operates through 6/12 axis and Rahu’s transit is vedha free.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: Domestic life will be under stress during the month. There can be some problems with relatives during the 1st half. At the same time, you can get competitive with your partner, which is not always a good thing in a relationship. The second part of the month can be tough on the kids, but at the same time, the birth of children in the family is indicated. You can also meet with persons from the opposite sex to start a relationship, but you have to maintain an appropriate distance.

Travel: Travel will be accompanied with discomfort during the 1st half of the month. Pleasure trips are indicated during the second half. These trips will be refreshing.

Health: You will be susceptible to fever and body pain during the 1st half. Abdominal diseases are also indicated. BP and other symptoms of heart problems should not be ignored.

Finance, Business & Job: Be careful with all speculative instruments and real estate transactions during the month. Paperwork must be done well, otherwise, lack of discipline can cause problems with tax authorities. Workplace anxiety can be caused by competitors and coworkers. They can cause strain in your relationships with your superiors.

Chandrashtama days: 12-May, 13-May

Days to be cautious about finances: 21-May, 22-May, 26-May, 27-May

Horoscope for May 2019 for Moon sign Aquarius : Kumbha Janma Rashi

Sun is going through an auspicious 3rd and will then move to an inauspicious 4th house. Jupiter is going through inauspicious 10th house transit. Rahu/Ketu transit is going through the 5/11 axis and Ketu’s transit has vedha of Mars in the second half. Saturn moves through very auspicious 11th house transit. Mercury will go through auspicious 3rd and 4th house but Venus causes vedha during the 2nd half. Mars is moving through a manglik 4th house in transit and will move to another inauspicious 5th house. Venus’ 2nd and third house transits are both auspicious.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: There will be comfort in family life during the 1st part of the month. Relationship with parents as well as siblings can still cause stress. Diplomacy in communication is required. Relationship with people outside of the family, e.g., friends, neighbours, will be better developed than with near and dear ones. The second part of the month is better for spending time with your partner and spouse over hobby activities. At the same time, ensure that you are not getting unnecessarily competitive with them. It is a good time to throw parties and indulge in a little rest and recreation.

Travel: There are no major indications of travel during the first half of the month. Travel during the second half will be weary.

Health: Stomach troubles and eye afflictions can occur. You can also pick up bad habits during the month. Tobacco and alcohol must be avoided.

Finance, Business & Job: If there are projects where you have to deal with authority, it is best to finish them during the 1st part of the month. Money situation will be better as well. The situation will become worse during the 2nd part of the month. Throughout the month, be careful when dealing with property and real estate. Stock market and gambling will be a problem during the 2nd half of the problem. Expenditure will be high.

Students will have a good time throughout the month. They will be able to apply their mind in the right place and maintain focus.

Chandrashtama days: 14-May, 15-May, 16-May

Days to be cautious about finances: 1-May, 2-May, 23-May, 24-May, 25-May, 28-May, 29-May, 30-May

Horoscope for May 2019 for Moon sign Pisces : Meena Janma Rashi

Saturn is going through the 10th house transit. Lagna lord Jupiter’s 9th house transit is supposed to be great but Saturn causes a long term vedha. Sun’s 2nd house transit is adverse, but the 3rd house transit during the second half will be auspicious. Mars moves through a favourable 3rd house during the 1st part of the month, followed by an unfavourable manglik 4th house transit. Venus is going through favourable 1st and 2nd houses in transit. Mercury moves through a favourable 2nd followed by an adverse 3rd house.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: You could get into disputes outside of the family. The disputes can be caused by you trying to dominate each and every situation or because of being restless. Rather, get a good diplomatic communication going, otherwise, you can regret bad decisions later on. Overall, the month is good and you will keep getting help from others.

Travel: Short travels will be fruitful throughout the month.

Health: If you can control your temper during the month, anxiety issues will also be under control. Physiological health will be good overall.

Finance, Business & Job: Loan recovery from others can be a problem. Exercise financial prudence before investing in any risky area and when getting into real estate deals. You can also be in the company of corrupt people who may try to take advantage of you. Still, throughout the month, help will be available from various quarters and you can get out of tough situations. This is a good time for material possessions.

Students will do well in the 2nd half of the month. Appreciations and awards are indicated.

Chandrashtama days: 17-May, 18-May

Days to be cautious about finances: 3-May, 4-May, 5-May, 26-May, 27-May, 31-May

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