This portal is dedicated to Vedic Astrology - Vedanga Jyotish, a science that is deep-rooted in Indian culture, tradition, and philosophy of life.

Monthly Predictions for Rashis October 2018

By Kshitij Sharma, September 20, 2018

The monthly horoscope for October 2018 is presented for you based on the moon sign, i.e. janma rashi in your horoscope, based on the Vedic Niryana system. Please do not substitute your Sun sign or a western astrology moon sign here. If you do not know your janma rashi, please refer to the kundali application on this page. 8th house presence for Chandra is called Chandrashtama and is a period of grave caution. These dates are indicated. The dates for caution on the financial matter are also indicated. People with a particular janma rashi should avoid dealing in financial matters on these dates, e.g. investment of property, the stock market, giving and taking loans should be avoided. The planetary positions for the month of October 2018 are as follows:


  • Sun is in Virgo at the beginning of the month and then moves to Libra on 17th/18th October.
  • Saturn has 10th house aspect on Sun, while in Virgo
  • Ketu has 9th house aspect on Sun while in Virgo.
  • Venus is conjunct Sun when moving through Libra.


  • Mars will be in Capricorn throughout October.
  • Ketu is conjunct Mars.


  • Mercury is moving very fast through Virgo, followed by Libra and then within the month would transit to Scorpio.
  • Mercury will be conjunct Venus while in Libra
  • Jupiter and Mercury will be together in Scorpio when Mercury transits through Scorpio.


  • Jupiter is moving through Libra.
  • Jupiter’s major transit through Scorpio starts in October.
  • Rahu and Jupiter will be in mutual 5/9 drishti during this time.


  • Venus is in Libra and will be retrograde.
  • Venus will be combust during the second part of the month when Sun also moves through Libra.


  • Saturn is transiting through Sagittarius.
  • There are no major aspects on Saturn during the month.


  • Rahu/Ketu continue their transit through the Cancer/Capricorn axis.
  • Mars and Ketu continue to be together.
  • Jupiter has drishti on Rahu, starting from the 2nd half of the month.

Horoscope for October 2018 for Moon in Aries: Mesha Janma Rashi

Sun transits through an auspicious 6th followed by an inauspicious 7th house. Saturn is going through inauspicious 9th house transit. Mars is going through an unfavourable 10th house transit. Jupiter’s transit through the 7th house is favourable, but the transit through the 8th house will not be favourable. Rahu is going through a 4th house transit. Ketu is going through an unfavourable 10th house transit. Venus will go through unfavourable 7th. Mercury is transiting through a favourable 6th house, but there is vedha of Saturn, followed by an unfavourable 7th. The first part will be good, but the 2nd part of the month will be unfavourable for you because of all transits being negative.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: The month will begin well, but the 2nd part of the month will be tough on domestic life. There will be ego clashes and difference of opinion with the spouse, especially in the case of males. This period will be difficult for the spouse and his/her family in general. Communication will be broken and hence there can be misunderstandings.

Travel: There are no major indications of travel during the first half. During the 2nd half, there can be some discomfort in travel. Watch out for accidents.

Health: Be careful with ill health and anxiety. The first part of the month is good, but diseases of the abdomen can occur. Do not eat a lot of spices.

Finance, Business & Job: During the first half of the month, finish many projects as you can. If you are running a business, the 2nd part of the month will not be good for dealing with your partner. There will be difficulties, and you may start keeping secrets. These can lead to legal problems. You may be anxious about your profession and can become reckless. But the transit of Ketu and Mars through 10th house indicates that it is exactly the kind of behaviour you should avoid.

Chandrashtama days: 12-October, 13-October

Days of caution on financial matters: 22-October, 23-October, 26-October, 27-October, 28-October

Horoscope for October 2018 for Moon sign Taurus: Vrishabha Janma Rashi

This will be an adverse month for Taurus rashi borns in the first half but relatively better in the 2nd half. Sun goes through an inauspicious 5th, followed by an auspicious 6th house transitJupiter moves through an inauspicious 6th house transit, but then starts to move through an auspicious 7th house. Saturn is going through an inauspicious 8th house transit. Mars is continuing through an adverse 9th house transit. Mercury moves through the 5th house and later 6th house. Rahu and Ketu are moving through the 3rd auspicious and 9th inauspicious houses respectively in the janma rashi chart. The transits of Lagna lord Venus through the 6th house is unfavourable.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: There will be disagreements with children and between the romantic couple during the first part of the month. The situation will become better during the second part of the month. Communication issues can occur with you being very aggressive in communication with others. This can cause some irritation with the spouse. During the second part of the month, you will lead a comfortable life. Those couples trying for a child will find it easy to conceive.

Travel: Long distance travel will be better during the month.

Health: Be careful with health problems to yourself and children during the first part of the month. The second part of the month indicates recovery and in general a better immunity to diseases.

Finance, Business & Job: Legal difficulties will continue to be indicated at the place of work. Successful completion of projects is indicated in the second part of the month. Do not needlessly get into crosshairs of government, superiors and your mentors.

Everyone who wants to upgrade their skillset, including students, teachers find it easy to learn new subjects. Gradually, you will start getting the support of government machinery, but it may take some time before the support materialises.

Chandrashtama days: 14-October, 15-October, 16-October

Days of caution on financial matters: 01-October, 02-October, 03-October, 24-October, 25-October, 29-October, 30-October

Horoscope for October 2018 for Moon sign Gemini: Mithuna Janma Rashi

For Mithuna rashi persons, Jupiter’s current transit is the positive one, but the next transit through the 6th house is negative. Sun will be going through unfavourable 4th followed by an equally unfavourable 5th house. Mars is transiting through the manglik 8th house. Saturn’s transit is through adverse 7th house transit, which is a difficult one called adhayia shani. Mercury is going through a favourable 4th house transit, followed by adverse 5th house transit. The 5th house transit of Venus is unfavourable in the first half, but the 6th house transit will be favourable. Both of Rahu’s and Ketu’s transits are unfavourable.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: The first half of the month will be better than the first one. Hectic activity will be there and you can take care of loved ones. There will be general opposition from  in the second half, but the relationship with spouse will be better. Be careful with the relationship with children in the second half of the month.

Travel: Better to be careful during the first part of the month. There are no major indications about travel during the second half of the month.

Health: Don’t be surprised if abdomen problems keep bothering you. This will happen till Mars gets out the mangilk 8th house. Fever, body pain is also indicated. Take care of father’s health during the first part of the month and that of your children during the second part of the month.

Finance, Business & Job: During the first part of the mont, be careful with real estate transactions. There could be losses in this area and will cause stress. Postpone taking of loans, and if you cannot avoid it at all, it will be better to do it in a good muhurta when such a loan doesn’t become permanent. For the next one year, you need to become frugal and not spend a lot of money.

It will be a good period for teachers and students alike.

Chandrashtama days: 17-October, 18-October

Days of caution on financial matters:04-October, 05-October, 26-October, 27-October, 28-October, 31-October

Horoscope for October 2018 for Moon sign Cancer: Karka Jamna Rashi

October 2018 will overall be an average month for Cancer borns because of adverse transits and vedhas. Sun is going through an auspicious 3rd and then will move to an inauspicious 4th house in transit. Mars moves through adverse 7th, which is a manglik transit. Venus would be in the positive transit through an auspicious 4th house. Mercury is going through an unfavourable 3rd, followed by a favourable 4th house transit. Saturn is moving through the favourable 6th house. Rahu/Ketu axis is going through 1st and 7th houses. Jupiter is going through an inauspicious 4th house transit, but changes sign in the middle of the month. Although the 5th house transit of Jupiter is positive, Sun is causing vedha right at the beginning.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: The observation from last month for peace and quiet in your home environment has not changed. The situation will be better in the first half of the month, but will be back to normal during the second half of the month. Ego clashes withe extended family members cannot be ruled out. Still, there will be prosperity and improvement in the relationship. You would enjoy the company of good people.

Travel: Be careful during travel. Short travels are indicated, but can become problematic. Venus transit can provide for a good vacation with loved ones.

Health: Stress at work can create physiological problems and symptoms. Be careful with eating disorders. Your memory will not be great. You can also suffer from indecision.

Finance, Business & Job: The first part of the month is better for communication and working towards your promotion and growth in the company. Those in business can reap the benefits of the period throughout the month. Be careful with real estate and property transactions. You need to keep in a compromising mode throughout the month with your partners and peers. If they start creating problems with you, you can run into losses in business. Legal problems can also ensue.

This is a good period for students. They can benefit through learning new subjects.

Chandrashtama days: 19-October, 20-October, 21-October

Days of caution on financial matters: 01-October, 02-October, 03-October, 06-October, 07-October, 29-October, 30-October

Horoscope for October 2018 for Moon sign Leo: Simha Janma Rashi

October is an adverse month, but you will be able to wade through purely based on your fighting spirit. Jupiter’s unfavourable 3rd house transit is in progress. Sun is going through an unfavourable 2nd house in transit and then moves to an auspicious 3rd house, but is debilitated and will not be able to give good results. Mars is moving through a positive 6th house transit. Venus is moving through an auspicious 4th house. Mercury moves through an auspicious 2nd house, but Saturn causes vedha. Saturn’s 5th house transit is unfavourable. Rahu/Ketu are in 12/6 axis, which indicates unfavourable and favourable transits respectively.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: Disputes with people outside of your immediate family is indicated. Overall it is a good period for having and raising kids. Reliable friends can be made during the transit if you are careful and vet them properly. An inauspicious transit of Jupiter is getting over, but the next transit is also not all that great and the relationship with mother would not be all that great. Venus provides for parties and get togethers.

Travel: Short travels are indicated in the second part of the month.

Health: Fever, infections are indicated. The second part of the month seems better for health, but you will still be susceptible with low immunity. Fear and restlessness can bother you.

Finance, Business & Job: Chant Aditya hridayam and go to your boss asking for a promotion. Do not get into a debt trap during the month. The second part of the month is not great for starting new projects as well as getting into real estate transactions. Use this period for planning rather than execution.

Chandrashtama days: 22-October, 23-October

Days of caution on financial matters: 04-October, 05-October, 08-October, 09-October, 31-October

Horoscope for October 2018 for Moon sign Virgo: Kanya Janma Rashi

Two favourable transits are blocked by vedhas caused by Mars during the month. These are Rahu and Mercury in the 2nd half. For Virgo rashi borns, Saturn’s transit through 4th is adverse. Mars is transiting through an adverse 5th house. Jupiter is going through an auspicious 2nd house transit, but this transit is coming to an end and the next transit through the 3rd house isn’t helpful. Sun’s transit houses are inauspicious 1st followed by another inauspicious 2nd house transit. Rashi lord Mercury will be going through the 1st and 2nd house transits. Venus is going through an auspicious 2nd house transit. Rahu/Ketu axis is going through 11/5 transit and Rahu’s 11th house transit is auspicious, but Mars will continue to cause vedha.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: You will continue to be egotistical in nature during the month, with first having problems with everyone around you and then your ire will be limited to your family. Relationship with neighbours, siblings will become better. Although romantic time with the partner is indicated, the issue will still be that you may not be all that committed. However, men can buy peace during the month by buying gifts for your partner.

Travel: In the first half of the month travel will not be good. There are no major indications about travel during the 2nd half.

Health: Fatigue, anxiety and general discomfort is indicated. Ailments in the chest area should not be ignored. Nervous problems also should be checked up. Visit a doctor.

Finance, Business & Job: Loss of wealth is indicated in general. Specifically, the areas that you should be careful about are gambling and speculation. You lack discipline during the month to follow up on investment advice, hence the need for caution. Also, some of the advice coming your way may not always be in your favour. Do you homework and due diligence before trusting someone blindly.

Chandrashtama days: 24-October, 25-October

Days of caution on financial matters: 06-October, 07-October, 10-October, 11-October

Horoscope for October 2018 for Moon sign Libra: Tula Janma Rashi

Sun is going through two inauspicious 12th followed 1st house transits. Saturn is going through auspicious 3rd house transit. Jupiter will also start an auspicious 2nd house transit. Rashi lord Venus is going through an auspicious 1st house transit, while being in own house. Mercury is going through inauspicious 12th and 1st houses in transit. Mars is going through the manglik 4th house transit. Rahu is going through an unfavourable 10th house transit, while Ketu through an adverse 4th house transit.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: There will be peace of mind in the 1st half of the month, while you may still get into issues with people around you, which is essentially being cool headed and still getting in conflict with others. The advice is to evade confrontation and turn away from conflict. It can ensure that you get to spend a good time with your family.

Travel: Long distance travel is indicated, but it may become very hectic for you. If it is a business travel, the goals may not be met.

Health: Joint pains, eye and stomach disorders are indicated. Chest problems should not be ignored.

Finance, Business & Job: This is a period where you can get into property disputes with family. Real estate transactions should be handled with utmost caution. This is a good time to learn new subjects. It is a period of long term growth since both outer planet transits just turned auspicious for you.

Chandrashtama days: 26-October, 27-October, 28-October

Days of caution on financial matters: 08-October, 09-October, 12-October, 13-October

Horoscope for October 2018 for Moon sign Scorpio: Vrishchika Jamna Rashi

Saturn’s transit through 2nd from your janma rashi is the last part of sadhe sati going on for you. Jupiter’s transit through the 12th house is also adverse and it changes to another adverse 1st house transit, but the period of change is near. Rashi lord Mars is going through 3rd house transit, but there is vedha of Jupiter and later that of Sun. Mercury is going through an auspicious 11th house transit in the first half, with vedha of Jupiter and then an adverse 12th house transit. Venus is going through a favourable 12th house transit, but Mars causes vedha. Sun will move through a favourable 11th followed by an unfavourable 12th house. Rahu/Ketu are going through the 9th and the 3rd houses respectively. Jupiter’s vedha on Ketu is coming to an end, but Sun’s vedha will again block some of the good results.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: Vedha on various transits means that results will be apparent, but not achievable. Try to finish your projects in the first half of the month and do not postpone to the latter half. Do not undermine your credibility by indulging in information peddling or gossiping. Keeping secrets from others will also not help

Travel: Short trips will be helpful in learning something new.

Health: Nervous disorders can bother you. The second part of the month indicates stress, eye infection, headaches, etc.

Finance, Business & Job: The first half of the month is better at the place of work. During the second half, there will be obstacles and hence you will feel that things are not going your way despite the plan and promise. Keeping undue secrets can land you in legal problems. You can earn money through the sale of immovable property. The first part of the month is also better for investments, but will also lead you to a path of expenditure on yourself and improve on luxury and comfort.

Chandrashtama days: 01-October, 02-October, 03-October, 29-October, 30-October

Days of caution on financial matters: 10-October, 11-October, 14-October, 15-October, 16-October

Horoscope for October 2018 for Moon sign Sagittarius: Dhanu Janma Rashi

Saturnís transit through Sagittarius indicates that Sagittarians are going through 1st house sadhe sati. The Jupiter 11th house transit is the best but changing to an adverse 12th house transit. Sun is going through favourable 9th and 10th houses. Mars moves through manglik 2nd house transit. Mercury will be moving through a favourable 10th and later 11th, but Jupiter causes vedha in the 2nd half. Venus moves through  favourable 11th house. Rahu/Ketu transit is now operating from 8/2 axis. This will be a good month, despite Jupiter and Saturn transits being negative.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: You will do well in the social and domestic setting. People will help you and will do you favours. Things will be better in the first half, as compared to the second half. This will be a good time to throw parties and entertain others.

Travel: There are no major indications for travel during the month.

Health: Physiological health will be good. Stress will come if you start picking up fights will others. Be careful with what you are consuming and keep away from bad habits – smoking and drinking.

Finance, Business & Job: Job change for better is indicate continuing from the previous month. There will be support from higher officials both in government and in the job. Expenditure will be high. Losses can also occur if there are financial fines and penalties levied on them. At the same time, income from various sources is indicated.

Chandrashtama days: 04-October, 05-October, 31-October

Days of caution on financial matters: 12-October, 13-October, 17-October, 18-October

Horoscope for October 2018 for Moon sign Capricorn: Makara Janma Rashi

Saturn is going through the 12th house and sadhe sati is in its first phase. Jupiter is transiting through the 10th house and it is an inauspicious transit, but then will move to the 11th house, which is the best transit of Jupiter. Sun’s transits through 9th is inauspicious, but then the 10th house would be very auspicious. Mars is transiting through an unfavourable 1st house. Venus is transiting through an unfavourable 10th house. Mercury is transiting through an unfavourable 9th and then the 10th house. Rahu/Ketu axis operates through 7/1 axis. Multiple transits are positive during the 2nd half of the month.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: The situation at home will become better in the 2nd half of the month. You have to somehow manage for the first couple of weeks. During the month, there will still be some clashes with wife and in-laws. This advice is meant more for the men though. However, rash and fiery approach will dominate and must be managed. Friends and relatives will start to help in a small way during the 2nd part of the month.

Travel: Long distance travel will bring luck in the 1st part of the month. There are no major indications for travel during the 2nd part of the month.

Health: Physiological problems will become better in the 2nd part of the month. You should be careful with accidents, infections and injuries during the entire month.

Finance, Business & Job: Success in projects will start from the 2nd part of the month. Do not take any drastic steps in the first part of the month to jeopardise new opportunities. Remember, hard work will pay off and the Sun’s transit is good for the next two cycles. Still, during the month, you need to work on generating positivity in spite of dejection. Financially there will be some problems. If you are running a business, there will be cash-crunch and there can be ego clashes with partners. For those in the job, although your supervisor may not seem sympathetic, it still is a good time to discuss pay hikes and promotions.

Chandrashtama days: 06-October, 07-October

Days of caution on financial matters: 14-October, 15-October, 16-October, 19-October, 20-October, 21-October

Horoscope for October 2018 for Moon sign Aquarius: Kumbha Janma Rashi

Sun is going through an inauspicious 8th and 9th house. Jupiter is going through auspicious 9th house transit, but the 10th house transit will be inauspicious. Rahu/Ketu transit is going through the 6/12 axis and Rahu’s transit is free of the long term vedha. Saturn moves through very auspicious 11th house transit. Mercury goes through an auspicious 8th, but Jupiter causes vedha in the first half. The transit in the second half through the 9th house is inauspicious. Mars is transiting through manglik and inauspicious 12th house transit. Venus goes through an auspicious 9th house transit, but Saturn causes vedha. Overall, it will be an average month, since there are obstacles.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: There are obstacles in form of vedhas. The relationship with the spouse can be strained a little, because of overwork and lack of attention and devotion in the relationship. Father’s health may be bad. Avoid being dominating in all the situations. Keep unnecessary arguments to a minimum.

Travel: Continuing from the previous month, travel will not be great. A lot of positive results cannot be expected. My notes talk about travel during such travel as “aimless wanderings.”

Health: Eye, ear and sleep disorders are indicated. Stress will be continuous.

Finance, Business & Job: Continuing from the previous month, you may feel that you are not getting a credit for your hard work at the place of work. Alignment with the superiors will not come easy. You may get blamed for others’ mistakes. This is a period of general bad luck. Ensure that your name is not slandered, especially in the 2nd half of the month.

Chandrashtama days: 08-October, 09-October

Days of caution on financial matters: 17-October, 18-October, 22-October, 23-October

Horoscope for October 2018 for Moon sign Pisces: Meena Janma Rashi

Saturn is going through 10th house transit. Lagna lord Jupiter’s 8th house transit is inauspicious and although the 9th house transit is supposed to be great, Saturn causes long term vedha. Sun’s 7th and 8th house transits are both inauspicious. Mars moves through favourable 11th house transit. Venus is going through a favourable 8th house. Mercury moves through an unfavourable 7th house, followed by favourable 8th. Rahu’s 5th house transit is adverse. At the same time, Ketu’s 11th house transit is favourable.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: Free of vedhas, Mars will give good results for the month. Cooperation from family is indicated and there will be some respite with other unfavourable transits. Additional effort is required to make the family going. Explain all the important decisions, and this way domestic conflict and controversies can be avoided.

Travel: Both long and short distance travel is indicated, but it will not be great. Journeys will be troublesome.

Health: Stomach problems, diseases of the intestine can occur. Enthusiasm will be low. Anxiety will be high. Skin diseases can also occur during the month.

Finance, Business & Job: Care is required in dealing with partners to avoid legal problems. At the place of work, teamwork with peers and juniors will be good. Income with real estate is indicated, but getting loans will be tough, if you are looking for investment. Do not enter into contracts without due diligence and without taking advice from others. Do not act on your own volition.

Chandrashtama days: 10-October, 11-October

Days of caution on financial matters: 19-October, 20-October, 21-October, 24-October, 25-October


  • Comment by Abc on September 30, 2018 at 2:50 pm

    Transit reports are mostly accurate, with in-depth analysis of the effects of various planets during the transit.
    Appreciate the efforts.
    Best regards.

  • Comment by sudhir kumar gopal. on October 15, 2018 at 1:33 pm

    mera jatak name udit yada . DOB-6.3.1987. Mera life me bahut problem Aa raha he. Or mera sadi kab hoga. Mere ko service milega ki nehi.

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