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Monthly Predictions for July 2018

By Kshitij Sharma, June 19, 2018

The monthly horoscope for July 2018 is presented for you based on the moon sign, i.e. janma rashi in your horoscope, based on the Vedic niryana system. Please do not substitute your Sun sign or a western astrology moon sign here. If you do not know your janma rashi, please refer to the kundali application on this page. 8th house presence for Chandra is called Chandrashtama and is a period of grave caution. These dates are indicated. The dates for caution on the financial matter are also indicated. People with a particular janma rashi should avoid dealing in financial matters on these dates, e.g. investment of property, the stock market, giving and taking loans should be avoided.

The planetary positions for the month of July 2018 are as follows:


  • Sun is in Gemini at the beginning of the month and then moves to Cancer on 17th July.
  • Mercury will be conjunct Sun while both of them are in Cancer from 17th July.
  • Jupiter has 9th house aspect on Sun when in Gemini.
  • Saturn has 7th house aspect on Sun when in Gemini.
  • Rahu will be conjunct Sun as Sun enters Cancer.


  • Mars will be in Capricorn throughout July.
  • Ketu is conjunct Mars.
  • Sun and Mercury will be opposite Mars during this period.


  • Mercury is in Cancer through the month.
  • Rahu will be conjunct Mercury.
  • Mercury and Sun will be conjunct when both of them move through Cancer.


  • Jupiter is moving through Libra.
  • Jupiter will be retrograde till 10th of July.
  • Jupiter does not have any major aspect of any planet.


  • Venus is in Cancer, to begin with, and then moves to Leo on 4th or July.
  • Mars has 8th house aspect on Venus during transit through Leo


  • Saturn is transiting through Sagittarius.
  • Sun and Saturn are in opposition while moving through .


  • Rahu/Ketu continue their transit through Cancer/Capricorn axis.
  • Mars and Ketu continue to be together.
  • Sun will be in Rahu/Ketu axis.

Horoscope for July 2018 for Moon sign Aries – Mesha Janma Rashi

Sun transits through an auspicious 3rd followed by an inauspicious 4th house transit during the month. Saturn is going through inauspicious 9th house transit. Mars is going through an unfavourable 10th house transit. Jupiter’s transit through the 7th house is favourable, but Sun causes vedha in the first half. Rahu is going through a 4th house transit. Ketu is going through an unfavourable 10th house transit. Venus will go through favourable 5th, but there is vedha of Saturn throughout the month. Mercury is transiting through a favourable 4th house, but Sun causes vedha. It will be an average month because good transits are being blocked by vedhas at least during the first half.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: Love and romantic atmosphere between partners will be disturbed by overwork and some unknown fear. Prosperity in relations can be harmed by too much ego. If you are able to control this negativity, the month will be auspicious. The problems of you having too much ego will go away as the month progresses. Be careful in how you deal with others. Unnecessary arguments need to be avoided.

Travel: Short travels in the 1st half of the month will be auspicious, but travel during the 2nd half of the month will cause a lot of discomfort.

Health: Anxiety will cause ill-health during the month. The susceptibility to falling ill will be more during the 2nd half of the month.

Finance, Business & Job: This advice continues from the previous month – do not be reckless in the job or in your place of business. A sense of frustration can cause you to take hasty and subsequently wrong decisions. The first half can be a little favourable, but the 2nd half can bring financial stress. Be careful with real estate transactions.

Chandrashtama days: 22-Jul,

Days of caution on financial matters: 5-Jul,

Horoscope for July 2018 for Moon sign Taurus – Vrishabha Janma Rashi

This will be an adverse month for Taurus rashi borns, but the second half is better than the first half. Sun goes through an inauspicious 2nd followed by an auspicious 3rd house, but Mars causes vedha in the second half. Jupiter moves through an inauspicious 6th house transit. Saturn is going through an inauspicious 8th house transit. Mars will be going through an adverse 9th house transit. Mercury moves through the 3rd house, which is an inauspicious transit. Rahu and Ketu are moving through the 3rd auspicious and 9th inauspicious houses respectively in the janma rashi chart. The transits of Lagna lord Venus through the 5th house is favourable.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: This month is not meant for a lot of activity, but for rest and recreation. Avoid any confrontation in the family. Your spouse will be helpful, but your behaviour towards people outside of immediate family can be pretty rash. You are not likely to help them.

Travel: Long distance travel will be good in the first half. Short travels will be beneficial in the second half of the month. Pleasure trips and vacations will also be good.

Health: Illness in the area of mouth is indicated in the first half. Muscle pain and atrophy is indicated throughout the month, while the second half will generally be better. 

Finance, Business & Job: A lot of disagreements with father-figures and mentors are indicated. This may hurt you at the place of work and in the business because it stops the flow of good advice coming your way. Be careful with unethical behaviour on account of others towards you. Do not get riled up by negative comments made by others against you, as it can be by design against you. The second part of the month will be marginally better. Debt and liability will go down.

Gains from agriculture and land deals are indicated if you can ensure paperwork is clean.

Chandrashtama days:25-Jul,

Days of caution on financial matters: 7-Jul,

Horoscope for July 2018 for Moon sign Gemini – Mithuna Janma Rashi

For Mithuna rashi persons, Jupiter’s transit is the positive one. Sun will be going through unfavourable 1st followed by 2nd house transits. Mars is transiting through manglik 8th house. Saturn’s transit is through adverse 7th house transit, which is a difficult one called adhayia shani. Mercury is going through a favourable 2nd house transit. The 3rd house transit of Venus is favourable. Both of Rahu and Ketu’s transits are unfavourable.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: Too many transits are there that make you haughty and full of pride. Hence there will be a tendency for you to neglect other people’s need and viewpoints. Your spouse may be on your side, but problems with in-laws are indicated. Do not spar over possessions.

Travel: Long distance travel is indicated as continuation from previous month.

Health: Fatigue and lack of energy is indicated throughout the month. Be careful and do not eat low quality food with low nutritional content. Throat and mouth problems are also indicated. Drink lots of water.

Finance, Business & Job: Many transits indicate problems with loans and hence you should avoid taking a large amount of money from anyone. At the place of work, stay below the radar. This is not a good time for gambling. Hence you should not invest a lot of new money or churn your portfolio without thorough research. This is a good time for property and real estate negotiations, but not for making hasty decisions. Expenditure will be high.

Chandrashtama days: 1-Jul,

Days of caution on financial matters:9-Jul,

Horoscope for July 2018 for Moon sign Cancer – Karka Jamna Rashi

July 2018 will overall be an adverse month for Cancer borns. Sun is going through inauspicious 12th and then will move to another inauspicious 1st house in transit. Mars moves through adverse 7th, which is a manglik transit. Venus would be in the positive transits through the second house, but Mars causes vedha. Mercury is going through an unfavourable 1st house transit. Saturn is moving through the favourable 6th house. Rahu/Ketu axis is going through 1st and 7th houses. Jupiter is going through an inauspicious 4th house transit.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: Rash decisions and rude tone of voice can cause problems between partners. This problem is more for males as not only are they going through a manglik transit but also because Mars causes vedha to Venus, a planet that denotes wife/girlfriend in a man’s chart. Women married to Cancer rashi borns should keep a close watch on their men if they have a natural propensity towards dishonesty and cheating. Other transits indicate egotistical behaviour and inability to work with others.

Travel: As continuing from the previous month, the astrological advice is to be careful with accidents and theft during travel. Long travels may not yield results, but short travels will be beneficial.

Health: Try to catch up on sleep. It can be a rare commodity during the month. Stomach problems, eye infections and headaches may occur. This will increase stress levels.

Finance, Business & Job: Expenditure will be high in first half. New projects will not work out well. The month also indicates legal problems, where you may be just an innocent victim. This is not a good time to be aggressive in disputes with coworkers or business partners and in general with people around you.

Chandrashtama days:2-Jul,

Days of caution on financial matters: 11-Jul,

Horoscope for July 2018 for Moon sign Leo – Simha Janma Rashi

First part of July will a good period, but the second half will be somewhat adverse. Jupiter’s unfavourable 3rd house transit is in progress. Sun is going through a favourable 12th house in transit and then moves to an inauspicious 12th house. Mars is now moving through a positive 6th house transit. Venus is moving through an auspicious 1st house. Mercury moves through an adverse 12th house. Saturn’s 5th house transit is unfavourable. Rahu/Ketu are in 12/6 axis, which indicates unfavourable and favourable transits respectively.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: Auspicious events are indicated in the first half of the month. Friends in high society will also be helpful. This month continues to be favourable for the couple who are trying to conceive. Those trying for an alliance will be able to meet someone new. The only challenge is to keep communications lines open. Keeping secrets and lack of communication can create misunderstanding and conflict between partners. 

Travel: Travel is indicated in the second half of the month. It can be good, but will indicate fatigue.

Health: While the first half of the month is relatively disease free, the second half can bring discomfort in form of accidents, fever and lack of comfort.

Finance, Business & Job: Keep executing on your projects throughout the month. New projects may not find support during the 2nd part of the month, but old projects will continue well. Secret enemies may create serious trouble. Do not take loans, even when friends pledge surety. Financial institutions will not be very helpful.

This is a good time for studies for students as well as professionals who wish to reskill themselves. Keen interests in new subjects are indicated.

Chandrashtama days: 5-Jul,

Days of caution on financial matters: 13-Jul,

Horoscope for July 2018 for Moon sign Virgo – Kanya Janma Rashi

July brings a lot of promise, but will not deliver. This is mainly due to obstacles caused by vedhas. These are being caused by Mars and Venus. The obstacles will be due to too much effort and aggression (Mars is malefic for Virgo chart) or the other end of the pendulum of too much indulgence – Venus the 2nd lord.

For Virgo rashi borns, Saturn’s transit through 4th is adverse. Mars is transiting through an adverse 5th house. Jupiter is going through an auspicious 2nd house transit. Sun’s transit houses will be auspicious 10th and 11th. Rashi lord Mercury will be going through the 11th house auspicious transits. Venus is going through an auspicious 12th house transit. Rahu/Ketu axis is going through 11/5 transit and Rahu’s 11th house transit is auspicious, but Mars will cause vedha. Auspicious transits of Sun in the 2nd half, Mercury, Jupiter and Rahu are obstructed by vedhas.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: There are auspicious events indicated at home, lest you get carried away and spend too much time, money and energy into it. The social network will be helpful. Romantic time with your partner is indicated and the relationship will be eventful. Those looking to find an alliance will be successful in their efforts. Your children may perceive the intensity of your love towards them in a negative way and move apart.

Travel: There are no major indications about travel.

Health: Health will be good during the month, including lack of stress. However, you must be careful with too much indulgence and control your food habits. Problems of heart or heartburn can occur if you consume spicy food.

Finance, Business & Job: The month is good at the place of work, but you need to pay attention to the first paragraph about vedhas. Essentially you yourself can be a big obstacle in your social movement due to too much aggression or taking it little too easy. Working in groups can be beneficial.

This is not a good month for gambling and investment in any areas without doing the right research work. Any risky investment areas must be avoided.

Expenditure needs to be controlled during the month. You will be tempted to spend money on articles of luxury and trying to make your surroundings comfortable and luxurious.

Chandrashtama days: 7-Jul,

Days of caution on financial matters: 15-Jul,

Horoscope for July 2018 for Moon sign Libra – Tula Janma Rashi

The month of July is average but still better than the previous month. Sun is going through inauspicious 9th and then auspicious 10th house transit, but Mars causes a vedha. Saturn is going through auspicious 3rd house transit. Jupiter is going through an inauspicious 1st house transit. Rashi lord Venus is going through an auspicious 11th house. Mercury is going through an auspicious 10th. Mars is going through the manglik 4th house transit. Rahu is going through an unfavourable 10th house transit, while Ketu through an adverse 4th house transit.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: The manglik transit along with Ketu will continue to cause problems of lack of emotional quotient. It will also cause some problems with your relatives. Relationship with the partner will also not be smooth. The first part of the month can cause problems with father, gurus and mentors, but the situation will improve in the second half of the month. If you can control your anger (Mars), the month can provide for a time of rest and recreation. It can also allow you to meet someone interesting from opposite sex.

Travel: Auspicious, long distance travel is indicated in the second half.

Health: Chest infections and pains should not be ignored. Indigestion, dysentery and other abdominal disorders are also indicated.

Finance, Business & Job: While the second half of the month will be better than the first one, you can still be very harsh towards your coworkers and people you interact with at the place of work. You need to find ways to align with people at work, rather than clash with them. You can be a victim of cheating at the place of work.

Communication in business and place of work can be good if the above advice is heeded to. You can discuss business expansion plans with your partners in business. If you are in a job, you can discuss avenues of promotions with your superiors. Increased money flow will also indicate increased expenses.

Chandrashtama days: 9-Jul,

Days of caution on financial matters: 17-Jul,

Horoscope for July 2018 for Moon sign Scorpio – Vrishchika Jamna Rashi

Saturn’s transit through 2nd from your janma rashi is the last part of sadhe sati going on for you. Jupiter’s transit is adverse too, through 12th house. Rashi lord Mars is going through 3rd house transit, but there is vedha of Jupiter. Mercury is going through an adverse 9th house transit. Venus is going through an unfavourable 10th house transit. Sun will move through two unfavourable houses – 8th followed by the 9th house. Rahu/Ketu are going through the 9th and the 3rd houses respectively, but Jupiter’s vedha on Ketu will dilute the good effects for a long term. This will overall be an adverse month due to transits being negative and obstacles due to vedha.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: You can get into arguments with your in-laws. This will cause arguments with your spouse too and petty quarrels can bring down the levels of romance in the relationship. There can be an overall improvement in personality, as your rashi lord is going through an auspicious transit, but too much laziness, over-optimism and tendency to take it easy will harm your prospects.

Travel: Short trips will be helpful. You can get to learn new things.

Health: Fear of unknown and anxiety can increase. Physical strength also increases, but there will be a tendency to eat too much food. Back and neck pain is also indicated.

Finance, Business & Job: Your work will not inspire confidence with others. There will be many chances and opportunities for success that will open up, but you can be over-optimistic and may fail to see risks. This can cause failure in new projects. Immovable property can be sold and purchased. You need to keep good company and keep crooks away. Short-cuts and breaking of law can have repercussions.

Chandrashtama days: 11-Jul,

Days of caution on financial matters: 20-Jul,

Horoscope for July 2018 for Moon sign Sagittarius – Dhanu Janma Rashi

Saturn’s transit through Sagittarius indicates that Sagittarians are going through 1st house sadhe sati. The Jupiter 11th house transit is the best but is blocked due to  vedha of Mercury and Sun. Sun is going through unfavourable 7th and 8th houses. Mars moves through manglik 2nd house transit. Mercury will be moving through a favourable 8th, but Mars causes vedha. Venus moves through a favourable 9th house, but Jupiter causes vedha. Rahu/Ketu transit is now operating from 8/2 axis. This month shows obstacles all around. Be careful.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: As positive transits are blocked, negative effects of sadhe sati will be felt more in this month. If obstacles are managed well, this month can be positive with respect to happiness in family and romance in relationships. Couples can expect good news as far as childbirth is concerned.

Travel: Travel should be avoided. If trips are a must, then they need to be planned well. Keep time in your hand to take rest during journeys.

Health: Diseases of intestine, fever can trouble you. You can pick up smoking and drinking. Fire-related injuries can harm you as well.

Finance, Business & Job: In the business setting, partners should be careful as there are many chances of ego tussle and if matters get worse, a divorce between partners, i.e., break in the business relationship is also possible. Joint property dealing can be good, but there will be obstacles like ones mentioned above. Peers at the place of work may try to malign your name and bring disrepute. Theft of accumulated wealth is indicated – by way of wrong business decisions, bad investment calls or plain thoughtless expenditure.

Chandrashtama days: 13-Jul,

Days of caution on financial matters: 1-Jul,

Horoscope for July 2018 for Moon sign Capricorn – Makara Janma Rashi

Saturn is going through the 12th house and sadhe sati is in its first phase. Jupiter is transiting through the 10th house and it is an inauspicious transit. Sun’s transit through the 6th house is auspicious, but the transit through the 7th house is very inauspicious. Mars is transiting through an unfavourable 1st house. Venus is transiting through a favourable 8th house. Mercury is transiting through an unfavourable 7th house. Rahu/Ketu axis operates through 7/1 axis.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: The axis of self and partner is under come malefic influence during the month and will create adverse situations at home. Those couples whose relationship is already under tenterhooks due to poor dasha periods should be careful, else the relationship breaks. The emotional quotient will also be less during the month, especially during the second half. There can be disagreements with neighbours and relatives. You will need to maintain sympathy with others and be communicative at least to maintain your love relationship.

Travel: There would be travels during the second part of the month, but you will need to plan ahead in order to get some good results out of it.

Health: Infections, fever and accidents are indicated. Skin diseases can also occur. Disorder of lungs, kapha dosha imbalance related disorders are indicated.

Finance, Business & Job: Finish your tasks during the first half of the month. Any new project should be done during the first two weeks. The second half of the month indicates the failure in new tasks. Your credibility can come down because of failures. There will be both internal (your own lack of effort) and external (due to supervisors, government) impediments at the place of work and in business. A little bit of aggression at the place of work will actually help, unlike in domestic setting. The path to success exists but isn’t obvious.

Gain of money is possible. Landed property and house deals will also be possible. You may spend money on interiors of your house.

Chandrashtama days: 15-Jul,

Days of caution on financial matters: 2-Jul,

Horoscope for July 2018 for Moon sign Aquarius – Kumbha Janma Rashi

Sun is going through inauspicious 5th, followed by an auspicious 6th house, but Mars causes vedha. Jupiter is going through auspicious 9th house transit. Rahu/Ketu transit is going through the 6/12 axis, but Jupiter causes a long-term vedha to otherwise auspicious transit or Rahu. Saturn moves through very auspicious 11th house transit, but Venus causes vedha in the first half. Mercury goes through an auspicious 6th, but Jupiter causes Vedha. Mars transits through manglik and inauspicious 12th house transit. Venus goes through inauspicious 7th house transit. Overall, it will be an average month due to obstacles.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: During the first half, do not be unnecessarily angry towards your children. During the second half of the month, do not take out your anger and aggression on your servants and other service class people, be it a waiter in a restaurant or a vendor providing your supplies at your home. The marital relationship will also be strained due to manglik transit.

Travel: Travel will be more of wandering around aimlessly.

Health: Sleep disorders are throughout the month. Kids will be vulnerable during the first half of the month. Take good care of your diet. Join yoga classes or schedule a much-delayed health checkup for yourself.

Finance, Business & Job: The first half of the month is adverse at the place of work and in business. there will be money and tax problems. Throughout the month, it will not be easy for you to get credit at the place of work. This may make your aggressive and reckless. This quality will harm you in the second half of the month and will stop progress. The other tendency you have to keep under control is quitting or taking it easy just when you are about to win. Just as aggression, lethargy will also not let you go anywhere during the month.

Chandrashtama days: 17-Jul,

Days of caution on financial matters: 1-Jul,

Horoscope for July 2018 for Moon sign Pisces – Meena Janma Rashi

The month is adverse to some extent as Saturn is going through 10th house transit. Lagna lord Jupiter’s 8th house transit is inauspicious. Sun’s 4th and 5th house transits are both inauspicious. Mars moves through favourable 11th house transit, but Mercury and Sun cause vedha. Venus is going through the adverse 6th house. Mercury moves through the unfavourable 5th house. Rahu’s 5th house transit is adverse. At the same time, Ketu’s 11th house transit is favourable, but Mercury and Sun cause vedha.

Home, Family and Domestic Environment: Domestic life – i.e., relationship with relatives, spouse, the mother will be strained during the first half. Romantic relationships and relations with children will take a hit during the second part of the month. An egotistical attitude will because of obstacles. You will be creative with a lot of new ideas. You should use these new ideas to improve the relationship with the immediate family. E.g., plan fun activities, surprise parties for them.

Travel: Long distance travel will cause lot of discomfort. There are no major indications about travel during the second part of the month.

Health: Fever, body pain and lack of interest and energy will be the main cause of discomfort. You will also feel that there is a load on your chest.

Finance, Business & Job: There can be good cooperation at the place of work if you can keep negative and egotistical attitude in control. Authorities can go against you if you fail to balance your books and account for all the taxes. Tax season is coming and you are advised to be extra careful. The first half of the month indicates problems with real estate transactions.

Chandrashtama days: 20-Jul,

Days of caution on financial matters: 5-Jul,

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